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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

TREG – innovative cell therapy targeting Diabetes Type 1


Innovative Behandlung zur Bekämpfung der Ursachen von Typ-1-Diabetes

Diabetes Typ 1 ist eine nicht heilbare Autoimmunerkrankung und wird schon in jungem Alter diagnostiziert. Etwa 10 % der fast 400 Millionen Diabetesfälle weltweit entfallen auf Typ-1-Diabetes. Die Ursachen dieser Diabetesform sind noch nicht vollständig bekannt und Präventionsstrategien zeigten bisher keinen Erfolg. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts TREG wird an einer Lösung für diese Probleme gearbeitet. Dazu entwickelt die Forschungsgruppe eine somatische Zelltherapie mit aus dem Blut der Betroffenen gewonnenen regulatorischen T-Zellen. Die Innovationskraft dieser Behandlung liegt darin, dass die Ursachen der Erkrankung und nicht nur die klinischen Symptome bekämpft werden. Phase III der klinischen Entwicklung umfasst außerdem die Beurteilung der Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der Therapie in einer breiteren pädiatrischen Population.


The main challenge of the project is to prepare and start Phase III of clinical development of TREG – a ground breaking Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) somatic cell therapy with T-regulatory cells obtained from the patient’s blood. T1D preventions strategies has not yet been successful. TREG project aims to change it and become first efficient prevention T1D therapy. The uniqueness and innovativeness of the treatment lies in the reduction of the disease causes, and not only its clinical symptoms which improves the quality of life and clinical parameters of patients.

The TREG therapy, patented technology, is a response to the largest, according to World Health Organization, global health emergencies of the 21st century – diabetes. In 2014 422 million people in the world had diabetes compared to 108 million in 1980. It means the global prevalence (age-standardized) of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980 rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population and will be still growing. According to IDF Diabetes Atlas 2017 it is estimated that among them 7% to 12% have type 1 diabetes. While DM2 is more common, it is potentially preventable. The causes and risk factors for T1D remain unknown and prevention strategies has not yet been successful.

Majority of the efforts in the area of T1D treatment are put on the production of insulin preparations or development of medical devices connected with insulin admission and glucose control. Progress in this area has significant influence on the quality of patient’s life, but in fact they don’t remove the causes of the illness.

As a result of the proposed project, PolTREG will start the next stage of clinical trials (Phase III) on the safety and efficacy of the therapy in a broader pediatric population. If successful, the project will accelerate availability of a breakthrough therapy to the T1D patients and put PolTREG on a path of business development by a full-scale commercialization of the innovation.

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