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Brain Cancer Therapy Monitoring using a Novel Quantitative and Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Method

Descrizione del progetto

Un monitoraggio basato sulla risonanza magnetica della viroterapia oncolitica in modelli tumorali cerebrali

Il glioblastoma multiforme è il tipo di tumore cerebrale fatale più diffuso riscontrato negli adulti. Un approccio terapeutico promettente per tale tumore prevede l’utilizzo di virus oncolitici che infettano selettivamente, si moltiplicano all’interno e distruggono nello specifico solo le cellule tumorali. Per avere successo, la viroterapia oncolitica richiede un frequente monitoraggio non invasivo dell’intero processo. L’obiettivo del progetto OncoViroMRI, finanziato dall’UE, consiste nello sviluppare un’applicazione basata sulla risonanza magnetica per l’imaging accurato, quantitativo e rapido dell’erogazione e della diffusione della viroterapia oncolitica in modelli tumorali pertinenti. La metodologia interdisciplinare proposta include le modifiche genetiche del virus per il rilevamento mediante risonanza magnetica, lo sviluppo di metodi di apprendimento automatico per rafforzare il processo di monitoraggio delle immagini del virus, nonché la valutazione della terapia tumorale cerebrale attraverso l’impiego di modelli murini.


Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common type of brain tumor found in adults and is fatal in all cases. A very promising therapeutic approach for GBM is the use of oncolytic viruses (OVs) that selectively infect, replicate in, and destroy tumor cells, while sparing the surrounding normal cells. Nevertheless, to achieve successful oncolytic virotherapy, frequent non-invasive monitoring of the process must be performed. This is crucial for gaining a better understanding of the interactions between the virus and its tumor-host and predicting a therapeutic response. Thus, the development of a non-invasive method, capable of accurately quantifying the location and extent of the viral spread in the tumor is highly required and is of great importance. Accordingly, the main research goal of this action is to develop a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- based method for accurate, quantitative, and rapid imaging of OVs delivery, and spread in clinically relevant tumor models. The devised interdisciplinary methodology includes: genetically modifying the therapeutic virus to be detectable in MRI; developing machine learning methods to increase the speed, specificity, and sensitivity in image-monitoring the virus; and evaluating the established methods using mice models of brain tumor therapy. The allocated training and research environment is optimal for achieving the proposal goals: an outgoing phase at Harvard Medical School, a secondment at a leading clinical MRI company (Insightec), enhancing translation potential, and a return phase at a leading university (Technion), ensuring the transport of knowledge back to the EU. The envisioned technology could be expanded to various additional clinical conditions, and its dissemination could improve patient care. The unique skill set to be acquired by the experienced researcher, would allow claiming a distinct niche of knowledge, increasing competency to a tenure-track position, and a research career in the EU.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 269 998,08
69978 Tel Aviv

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 269 998,08

Partecipanti (1)

Partner (1)