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An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SAFETY FOREST (An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-12-01 do 2019-03-31

SAFETY FOREST combines the state-of-the-art imagery data from relevant sources with field sensors to feed innovative models hosted in the cloud (fuel models such as PhFFS, and wind models HDWM). Through our efficient algorithms we can use the models and the georeferenced data to provide prevention, prediction and extinction maps in real-time in an intuitive decision-making platform. Our end-users must avoid the costs of wildfires and SAFETY FOREST will be the perfect solution to fit their needs as can be customized when needed.
We have designed a work plan to reach TRL 9, always keeping in mind the management of risks assessment and mitigation measures to overcome them. The platform will be tested on three pilot in relevant environments. We will define the integration of the platform targeting to achieve best accuracy and reliability promptly. We carried out a search for data providers. We have defined formal agreements with subcontractors (SINUMCC, COTESA). We can confirm the feasibility in the identified sectors related to woodworking industries, agri-business, insurance companies and forest managers. We will use our wide network to reach target markets within Europe: starting in Spain, and then moving to other EU countries. We have conducted a multi-criteria screening on target countries to focus our efforts. We analysed the intellectual property and regulations and found no conflict with our solution. We will use multiple channels to communicate our advances such as our web page, advertisements, and magazines. We have identified early adopters such as ENCE, GIORGIO TESI or AMC. From a financial point of view, after having validated the financial business model during the feasibility study, it is foreseen to apply a grant to the Phase 2 SME Instrument.
Wildfires burn up to 8% of total terrestrial net primary productivity releasing on average 1.7–4.1Gt of CO2 into the atmosphere. The economic impact added up to almost €46Bn in 2015. Our holistic approach and the generated data will additionally aid and support in the decision making for woodworking industries, agri-business, insurance, companies, forest consultants and associations seeking monitoring actions, wildfire protection and a detailed management of their properties. By reducing the number of fires and the promptly extinction of the existing ones, our customers can save both in terms of costs associated to extinguish wildfires and in costs related to the losses due to burnt of property and assets.
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