Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SUPERBRAIN (Magneto-Plasmonic, Raman active Nanocapsules for Superior Pediatric Brain Cancer Therapy)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-09-01 do 2022-08-31
The SUPERBRAIN also designed the magnetic and plasmonic active nanocarriers which has drug and cancer cell targeting molecules on the surface. The innovative magnetic core shell noncarriers, target the 3D multicellular tumor spheroids under externally applied magnetic field and delivering the cancer drugs into 3D complex tumor type architecture. The SUPERBRAIN provides systematic approach for brain cancer therapeutics based on nanotechnology. Particles called nano-carriers also a key ingredient of most cancer therapies do the job well. But each nano-carrier or nanomedicine product is compatible with a limited range of drugs, and only a few can get succeed to target the tumor, meaning the vast majority of nanocarriers can’t be given as potentially to the target site. A SUPERBRAIN’s scientific developments has invented a novel nano-carrier, tested it in lab conditions on 3D multicellular cancer spheroids, and nanocarriers enables us to deliver drugs very precisely to solid tumors. Side effects that result from the drug ending up elsewhere in the body can be significantly reduced for paediatric cancer patients in the near future.
SUPERBRAIN’s, overall implementation designed plans and strategies to be applied in order to achieve a high level of visibility of the project outcomes and to transfer knowledge and results. SUPERBRAIN is a project that arises from the need of the European Union’s Mission: Cancer (2021-2030) focuses on the development of more accurate and targeted cancer therapies. Early diagnosis, and target more deprived populations in cancer prevention to open the new therapeutics window of cancer in small children using nanomedicine approach is the gaol of the SUPEBRAIN. This next generation technological marvel should be market ready to integrate them with clinics and meet all the legal and functional requirements that different health sectors demand.
SUPERBRAIN aims to design novel pathway of the 3D multicellular tumors in the laboratory settings that will reduce the burden on the animal experiments in near future. SUPERBRAIN has supported EU goals under Horizon Europe via high-impact scientific research that will have numerous scientific, societal, and techno-economic impacts. SUPERBRAIN provides innovative methods and technology in early therapy response to high grade brain cancers for paediatric and adult cancer patients, to develop novel therapeutic approaches and treatment response for addressing the one of our major societal health emergencies of aggressive brain cancer. According to “Strategic Market Research LLP” the Brain cancer Treatment Market worth the global brain monitoring market will witness a robust CAGR of 7.2%, valued at $5.78 billion in 2021, expected to appreciate and reach $10.09 billion by 2030, confirms Strategic Market Research . In sum, SUPERBRAIN’s scientific outcomes are based on RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) for fostering alignment between economy/research/technological/societal outcomes, to meet people's needs under different axes (e.g. science education, gender equity, open access, ethics, and citizen participation and UN SDG goal no 3 and relevant ones). Fellow researcher has contributed in the generation of academic knowledge for example edited and authored books. Dr. Thorat edited five books and written one authored book to internationally recognized publishers such as Elsevier and Institute of Physics (IOP). These books are widely referred by many institutes for their academic curriculum. According to WorldCat library resources published books are available in the world’s top University libraries