CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A new paradigm in boosting orphan crops to super grains: Linking metabolomics and gene editing to improve Teff for global food security and sustainable agriculture


Regionale Kulturen als wettbewerbsfähige Alternative zum Getreideanbau

Die steigende Nachfrage nach Getreide zur Nutzung als Nahrungs- oder Bioenergie hat die Erforschung der Nährwerte von seltenen Kulturpflanzen nach sich gezogen. Wenig genutzte Kulturpflanzen sind Pflanzen, die auf regionaler Ebene wichtig sind, aber auf dem Weltmarkt nicht angeboten werden. Die Zwerghirse Teff ist eine essbare Pflanze, die in Äthiopien für ihren hohen Nährwert und ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber harten Klimabedingungen bekannt ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SUPERTEFF soll nun die Möglichkeiten untersuchen, wie Teff von einer exotischen Nischenkultur zu einem weltweit wettbewerbsfähigen Superfood werden kann. Die Studienergebnisse werden eine neue nachhaltige Lösung für den Anbau von Superkulturen bieten, die unseren Bedenken in Bezug auf die globale Ernährungssicherheit und die Nachhaltigkeit in der Landwirtschaft Rechnung trägt.


Food security is one of the prime concerns of the world as the production is affected by increase in demand for cereal crops as food and bioenergy resources. In order to maximize productivity, one strategy is to identify and improve indigenous crops (orphan crops) which are often ignored. Orphan crops (e.g. teff, millet) possess better nutritional and adaptive traits than other cereal crops (e.g. rice, wheat). Teff, Ethiopia’s most important indigenous cereal crop is recently gaining attention among farmers and consumers over other cereals due to its natural gluten-free nature and its adaptation to tough environmental conditions. The high market price for its grains and straw make it a valuable cash crop but has received less attention on research and funding. The main objective of “SUPERTEFF” is to apply omics and gene editing strategies for the improvement of teff. The key objectives of the study are (1) characterization of disparate teff germplasm for agronomically important traits using image-based phenomics (2) to explore the nutrient diversity in teff cultivars using high-throughput metabolomics (3) metabolite-genome-wide association studies (m-GWAS) to understand the genotype to phenotype relation (4) to develop a CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing platform in teff with prime focus to lodging. The proposed study will provide a new paradigm in linking metabolic status to gene expression and will provide valid targets for CRISPR gene editing strategies in teff to convert it from an orphan crop to a super crop which will bare comparison to other established cereal crops. The outputs of this project will result in bridging the gap between orphan crops and other cereal crops in terms of sustainable yield and resilience to environmental conditions, whereby addressing the growing concerns of farmers and consumers across the globe. This project aims to strengthen the EU economy, by placing it in the fore-front of global food security and sustainable agriculture.


€ 224 933,76
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