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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Organic Mesocrystals: Formation and controlling of oriented nanoparticles of molecular solids for drug development

Descripción del proyecto

Pequeños cristales de alta calidad en el desarrollo de fármacos

Los principios activos, los compuestos que le proporcionan su actividad biológica a los productos farmacéuticos, suelen producirse en forma de cristales. Los cristales de gran tamaño pueden impedir la disolución de los compuestos en disolventes acuosos, lo cual supone un obstáculo para la distribución y el desarrollo de fármacos. Los mesocristales son materiales compuestos de pequeños cristales individuales que se presentan agregados pero separados espacialmente. Este formato puede mejorar la penetración del agua y la disolución. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos OMECRY aplicará métodos experimentales avanzados para caracterizar la formación de mesocristales, así como las tasas de disolución y solubilidad para controlar la formación de mesocristales y apoyar el desarrollo de ingredientes nuevos para los productos farmacéuticos.


The OMECRY research action aims to enhance the dissolution of pharmaceutical solids in the form of mesocrystals, i.e. to promote the drug development. I will also investigate the formation mechanisms of the organic mesocrystals, and influence of the different additives on these processes. The low dissolution rate and poor aqueous solubility of emerging new drug candidates limit the formulation approaches, clinical application, and marketability in pharmaceutical industry. The preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in the form of mesocrystals can enhance the dissolution rate suitable for drug delivery. The voids between highly oriented nanocrystals and high surface area of hierarchical structure in the non-classical pathway of mesocrystals formation play a role in the process. Different additives can be used to control the self-assembly of particles so that avoiding mesocrystals fusion into single crystals. A suitable additive can be screened through density functional theory calculations. The microstructure of mesocrystals and its transformation and particle growth can be investigated through time-dependent experiments using SEM, TEM and laser diffraction particle size analyser. Computed Tomography will be used for the first time to obtain the density mapping of mesocrystals surface in phase contrast mode. The dissolution rates and solubility of the mesocrystals are characterized and compared to its single crystals. The feasibility of drug dissolution will be investigated through in vitro studies. Although many inorganic mesocrystals has prepared for photocatalysis, energy storage applications, formation APIs in mesocrystals is a new strategy which provides insights that are needed for further understanding of mesocrystals formations thereby improve its applications especially for drug development.

Régimen de financiación

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 202 680,96
02150 Espoo

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 202 680,96