Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SynGut (Molecular, morphological, and functional requirements for gastrointestinal serotonin release)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-03-01 do 2022-02-28
The overall goal of this project was therefore to answer the question whether mouse EC cells signal in a synaptic-like fashion with the ENS and sensory afferents to mediate gut-brain-communication and to determine the molecular release machinery that mediates serotonin release from these cells. To achieve this, three specific objectives were formulated:
1. To define functional properties and molecular requirements of vesicle fusion in EC cells.
2. To dissect the functional organization of EC cell release sites and EC connectivity.
3. To probe consequences of defective serotonin release.
The project results achieved so far are described in detail below. In summary, we found that despite the expression of key components of the neuronal presynaptic neurotransmitter release machinery in EC cells, cultured cells release the majority of serotonin with relatively slow kinetics from large secretory vesicles, unlike fast synaptic transmission, but similar to the signaling mode of other endocrine cell types.
To identify potential regulators of the vesicle fusion process in EC cells, we performed RT-PCR gene expression analysis of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) purified EC cells and analysed previously published RNA sequencing data sets. Our data confirmed that EC cells express genes encoding for key components of the synaptic neurotransmitter release machinery. We then determined the subcellular localisation of proteins of interests in EC cells in cultures and gut tissue sections immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry, respectively. While we could confirm the expression of several key components of the synaptic neurotransmitter release machinery on the protein level, our preliminary analysis failed to reveal the presence of proteins that constitute synapse-like presynaptic specialisations (“active zones”).
To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control the 5-HT release process from EC cells, we are in the process of generating knockout organoid lines using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing strategies in vitro. The aim is to systematically screen for defects in 5-HT secretion using our high temporal electrophysiology and electrochemistry assays.
The first results of this project are summarized in a recent preprint (Shaaban et al., BioRxiv, 2021, doi: