Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PaTreME (Partioning Tree Methane Emissions)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2021-12-31
The overall goals of PaTreME was to (a) develop a method to partitioning of plant methane emissions from different source processes (aerobic methane production (AMP), soil methane export (SM), and endophytic microbial methane production (MMP)) using stable isotope, radiocarbon, and chemical tracer techniques, and (b) apply this method to partition the methane fluxes at the SMEAR II boreal forest station.
The scientific work in PaTreME was to be organized in four work packages with the following objectives:
1. Develop an enclosure chamber system for isotope analysis of plant methane emissions;
2. Identify characteristic isotope and methane:methanol values of methane source processes;
3. Measure isotope and methane:methanol values of methane emitted by boreal trees at the SMEAR II research forest;
4. Develop and apply an isotope partitioning model to quantify methane emissions from AMP, SM, and MMP.
In addition, a fifth WP was dedicated to training, career development, and research communication activities.
Secondments: Due to the CoViD, only one physical visit to Heidelberg University was possible. Exchange with the secondment host has, however, been close and resulted in the developed two grant proposals (to the Academy of Finland).
Furthermore, I have advanced my career by taking 20 cr of university pedagogy, 30 cr of Finish language training, and grant coaching for applications to the Academy of Finland and ERC StG applications. I gained mentoring and leadership experience by (co)supervising 2 PhD students (1 ongoing, 1 withdrawn) and 2 completed MSc thesis, and submitted my application for docentship at the University of Helsinki in Jan 2022. Unfortunately, my opportunities for research communication to a wider audience were somewhat limited during the PaTreME period due to the ongoing CoViD pandemic. Unlike planned, it was therefore not possible to conduct a workshop at the Researchers Night. I have, however, produced two short videos explaining the PaTreME (and MEMETRE) research together with my PhD supervisees. Knowledge transfer was highly successful. I have become an expert in trace gas flux measurements due to training provided by the host group, seen e.g. in our technical letter (Kohl el al., 2022, New Phyt.) on this issue. Knowledge transfer from me to the host group was conducted through the joint supervision of two PhD students instead of the originally planned workshop.
Career development. PaTreME has allowed me to re-integrate into the European research community and put me on a course to forming my own research group. I have been able to established myself as an recognized expert in stable isotope analysis with a unique position in the Finnish research landscape, and I am in the process of establishing an internationally recognized research program that bridges the gap between chemical and isotopic measurements and biogeochemical model development. Overall, I have been able to advance from a junior postdoc to independent researcher during my time in Helsinki, and I am now well qualified for and in the process of submitting proposals for group founding fellowships (Academy of Finland Reserach Fellow, ERC StG). Starting in Fall 2022, I will take over the coordination of the stable isotope laboratory at the University of Eastern Finland for two years (sabbatical replacement). These advancements were to a significant part facilitated by PaTreME funding.
Dissemination of project results. So far, my work in PaTreME has resulted in five publications (some co-authored), with at least two manuscripts in preparation based on data produced during the project. Unfortunately, CoViD has limited my ability to present the project results at international conferences, however, I was still able to attend and present PaTreME results multiple remote meetings (European Geosciences Union 2020, Nordic ICOS meeting 2021, Finnish Ecoysstem research meeting 2021) and an invited presentation at a workshop on the methane balance of tropical peatlands.