Die biologische Uhr von Pflanzen könnte ihnen signalisieren, wann sie neue Organe zur Welt bringen sollen
Pflanzen haben ein eigenes System aus multipotenten Stammzellen. Meristematische Zellen im Spross- und Wurzelmeristem sind für die Entwicklung der oberirdischen Pflanzenorgane verantwortlich. Eine Pflanze entwickelt im Laufe ihres Lebens mehrfach neue Organe (Organogenese). Beeinflusst wird dieser Prozess durch äußere Signale wie Veränderungen der Temperatur und des Lichts. Pflanzen haben wie Tiere eine innere Uhr, die als komplexe Entwicklungsmanagerin fungiert. Clock-SAM untersucht die Verbindung zwischen dem Biorhythmus und der Aktivität des Spross- und Wurzelmeristems. Dafür werden Veränderungen in der Regulierung der Genexpression als Hinweise genutzt. Einblicke in die Mechanismen, welche die Organogenese von Pflanzen steuern, könnten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Steigerung der Produktivität von betreffenden Anbaupflanzen einnehmen.
Plant growth and organogenesis are coordinated by stem cells located in specialized tissues known as meristems. Virtually all the aerial parts of the plant derive from stem cells located in niches at the shoot apical meristem (SAM), where they process internal and external cues to sustain their function. As cells are continuously produced at SAM, it is essential for plants to precisely regulate the timing of proliferation as development and plant organogenesis occurs over time throughout the life cycle. The circadian clock is the primary timing device that enables an organism to measure the pass of the time to precisely coordinate biological activities with the internal cues and its surrounding environment. Despite the importance of stem cell function, the mechanisms controlling the timing of SAM activity in synchronization with the environment remain essentially unknown. we propose to investigate the role of the circadian clock as a flexible biological metronome orchestrating the SAM activity in plants. The Clock-SAM proposal aims to generate a road-map of clock function, defining circadian similarities and divergences among the different functional states at the SAM and establishing the correlation between the circadian pace of the clock and cell fate and specification. We will follow an ambitious integrative approach combining epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory mechanisms to understand stem cell function. Our studies will thus answer a fundamental question in plant cell biology by determining how the plant is temporally constructed in our rotating world. The results from this proposal will provide a framework that can be tested for regulating plant productivity and survival in different environmental conditions. Hence, in the long term our findings could be applied to crops of agronomical interest.
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MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EFKoordinator
08193 Cerdanyola Del Valles