Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IMPACT (Improving DNA Analysis for Correct Healthcare)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-05-01 do 2021-04-30
The Xdrop™ workflow includes DNA sequencing, and we have therefore tested and developed recommendations for sequencing setups. We have also built data analysis pipelines, analyzed strategies for analysis of unknown regions, and we now provide data analysis recommendations and data analysis service for users. We are currently working on making the developed data analysis solutions available locally on user servers. All this has significantly improved the Xdrop™ workflow and facilitated a fully supported user-experience. Recommendations, application notes, publications, webinars, and tools can be found at and
The Xdrop™ technology has the potential to solve many more questions. The ultra-high throughput screening capacity of up to 1 billion compartments per day, that can be achieved with the new Xdrop Sort, has made the technology relevant for a broader market including also high throughput screening of bacterial and mammalian cells. Thus, we will continue expanding the use and work towards “Improving DNA Analysis for Correct Healthcare”.