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Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - eCARE (Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-09-02 do 2021-07-01

Older people are at higher risk of becoming frail, having falls, incurring disability and requiring long-term care. Frailty is a result of age-related decline, but it is preventable and treatable. As Europe’s population ages (a quarter of Europeans will be over age 60 by 2020), there is a growing need for effective interventions to postpone disability and sustain independence. Longevity is one of the biggest achievements of modern societies. By 2020, a quarter of Europeans will be over 60 years of age. Combined with low birth rates, this will bring about significant changes to the structure of European society, which will impact on our economy, social security and health care systems.

The most problematic expression of population ageing is the clinical condition of frailty. Frailty develops because of age-related decline in multiple physiological systems. It is estimated that a quarter to a half of people over 85 years are frail , and this is set to reach epidemic proportions over the next few decades. While frailty increases, the average amount of health spending increases as well with the frailty level in a range from 1,500 to 5,000 €/person year, depending upon the frailty status and the setting of care. Frailty usually comes along associated with another risk facto; loneliness.

Then, ageing, frailty and loneliness constitute overlapping conditions submitted to multiple health and care interventions.

The EU-funded eCARE project is developing a digital solution – tools and services – to improve outcomes for frailty in older adults by accounting for physical and psychosocial factors. It will target the pre-frail and frail older adults to facilitate the implementation of integrated care models across health and social services.

eCARE project aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure, throughout the implementation of a Pre-Commercial Procurement scheme.

Solutions should improve outcomes for frailty in old adults entailing the physical and the psychosocial factors. The target group are the pre-frail/frail old adults with emphasis on those that feel lonely and/or isolated.

The project will procure the development, testing and implementation of digital tools/services and communication concepts to facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and social services and country-specific cross-institutional set-ups, including decentralised procurement environments and collaboration across institutions.
eCare aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure, throughout the implementation of a Pre-Commercial Procurement scheme. Before launching the PCP, eCare Consortium gathered a deep understanding of the key requirements (needs) of the procurer’s group, validated the technology state of the art and consulted with other relevant stakeholders: e.g. technology companies, national and international associations related to health and patients, social and healthcare organisations, research and innovation organisations, besides others, launching an Open Market Consultation.

In addition, the buyer group, with the support of the preferred partners, worked to produce the eCare PCP call for tender based on the information collected during the preparatory activities, especially the feed-back obtained after the Open Market Consultation activities. Thus, the consortium carried out key activities for the future of the project, such as a deep analysis of the eCare challenge, the description of the requirements of the solution to develop, the definition of the evaluation process or the production of legal documents. As result of this work, the eCare call for tender was published on 1st July 2021 and will reamain opened until15th September 2021.
Although the impact of the eCare PCP will be better analysed at the end of the project, some interesting progresses have been made during this first periodic report that represent a preview of the final result of the project in terms of efficiency and improvement of the quality of service, the acceleration of the access to market for innovative solutions, and the creation of new opportunities for the market and in particular for SMEs:

- The OMC activity has served as a training process for procurers to learn how to encourage collaboration between suppliers and ask for new solutions, rather than for traditional products.
- The OMC activities have showed that there is a clear demand of innovative solutions to prevent and manage the frailty.
- The buyer group jointly with the support of the preferred partners, have implemented different activities to deeply defined and validate their unmet needs at procurer level.
- eCare project has contributed to the development of a multi-stakeholder ecosystem by contacting and collaborating since the beginning with involving entities such as: technology companies, national and international associations related to health and patients, social and healthcare organisations, research and innovation organisations, etc...
eCare-CfT-Phase 1
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