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Assessment of Zoan products as biomaterials for 3D printing in health care

Opis projektu

Druk 3D z wykorzystaniem korali morskich

Technologia druku 3D stanowi nowatorskie i błyskawicznie rozwijające się rozwiązanie, które pozwala producentom z sektora medycznego produkcję wyposażenia medycznego i produktów dostosowanych do potrzeb użytkowników. Firma Zoan Biomed, dynamicznie rozwijająca się firma z sektora MŚP działająca na zachodnim wybrzeżu Irlandii, specjalizuje się w uprawie koralowców morskich klasy medycznej oraz wykorzystywaniu ich do budowy produktów, które mogą być wykorzystywane jako substytut przeszczepu kostnego. W ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu InnovationOrigin, firma Zoan zamierza stworzyć nowy obszar potencjalnych zastosowań dzięki wykorzystaniu technologii druku 3D. Przedsiębiorstwo dąży do tego, by wejść na światowy rynek druku 3D, którego wartość w 2014 roku wyniosła 4,2 miliarda dolarów, a według prognoz do 2025 roku osiągnie 44,4 miliarda dolarów, notując wskaźnik wzrostu w latach 2019-2025 na poziomie 21,8 %.


Zoan BioMed is a dynamic SME based in the West coast of Ireland. Zoan has turned to nature, specifically the Ocean, for the blueprints to solve a major biomedical challenge. Zoan specialises in cultivating medical-grade marine coral and creating products from it that can be used as an Orthobiologic scaffold, for use as a bone graft substitute.
With the development of the InnovationOrigin Project, Zoan seeks to adapt and develop platform products as a material for use in 3D printers, to open up a new realm of potential applications for our products and in doing so create a significant market demand in new value chains. The development of 3D printing is now an exciting reality which provides enhanced career growth opportunities for each new generation of engineers and manufacturers entering the workforce. Furthermore, 3D printing technology is a rapid emerging technology which empowers manufacturers in the medical sector to produce customised medical equipment and products. If the project is successful, Zoan will be then in a position to enter the global 3D printing market which was valued at $4.2 billion in 2014, and is projected to reach $44.4 billion by 2025, registering a CAGR of 21.8% from 2019 to 2025.
The Innovation Associate will act as a catalyst, driving our innovation strategy in 3D printing forward and aligning with our business targets of growing capacity on site, building a vibrant hub of employment in a remote part of Connemara and bringing the biomimetic potential of our bio-material to a number of sectors.
Zoan will provide to the Innovation Associate with the opportunity to co-create their own future by helping to develop a new dimension to our business which they can champion and drive forward through defining new innovation projects and partnerships, making them an integral part of our team and providing them with a rewarding career in our company.

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€ 114 687,50
H91 TXV5 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
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Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
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€ 114 687,50