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Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement

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Final International Conference and proceedings

The SMARTDEST Final International Conference is held in Tarragona as the main final dissemination event of the projects research policy and innovation outputs The key contributions and conversations in this conference are collected in a proceedings book and in the project website briefly after the conference for further dissemination

"Technical Report ""Documentation of activities carried out at CityLabs"""

This Technical Report collects and documents the various activities carried out at CityLabs in each case study city the participation they achieved the main fields of engagement and the final evaluation based on a survey of the participating stakeholders

"Scientific Report on ""Local Effects of Tourism and Associated Mobilities as Drivers of Social Exclusion"" at 8 case study cities"

This is a Scientific Report on Local Effects of Tourism and Associated Mobilities as Drivers of Social Exclusion that includes working papers (to be further specified in the Publication Strategy), and case-study level reports and databases including systematised and comparable information at CS level on social exclusion, processes of marginalisation, forms of coping and the role of policy. This re-port sets the tone for the activities to follow in WP4, underlining the potential avenues of mitigation, the policy domains to be tackled as well as the position and roles of stakeholders to that respect. The report is introduced by a text situating this information in the project framework and its objectives and is concluded by a comparative analysis showcasing the diversity of contexts, issues and potential solutions engaged by SMARTDEST

"Final Report ""Design of solutions to social exclusion, value testing and upscaling at CityLabs"""

The Final Report of the SMARTDEST project will include evidence and analysis of collaborative work, engagement and learning of quadruple helix actors at 8 CityLabs and outcomes attained, solutions explored, testing of their im-pacts and shared value, as well as avenues for policy upscaling and reforms of governance systems. This deliverable is the main final research output of the project. It will collecta.Information about the solutions devised at CityLabs, including the positionings and objectives of different stakeholders to their respect and an analysis of potential impactsb.Results of the analysis carried out in T 4.4 about the capacity to create shared value from solutions to social exclusion, and exploring their potential avenues of implementation vis-à-vis the destination ecosystems in our case study cities.c.A series of strategic documents, undersigned by case study stakeholders, which commit them to the development of the smart solutions for social inclusion collaboratively designed in T 4.2, with expected impacts estimated in T 4.3, and having undergone the ‘reality check’ of creating shared value in T 4.4. d.A final section will clarify how the achievements at case study cities relate back to the wider European context, specifying what other city administrations, community groups, and business coalitions in the tourism and technology sectors can learn from the experience of SMARTDEST and specifically of this WP for a more extensive endorsement of a technology-fuelled transition toward social sustainability in places that are hubs of multiple mobilities and tourism mobilities in particular.

"Technical report: ""General framework, goals, criteria and methods of work of the CityLabs in the case study cities"""

This Technical Report establishes the general framework goals criteria and methods of work of the CityLabs established at case study cities It will also for all 8 case study cities deliver the work program of activities to be developed in WP4 the agenda of meetings and expected objectives as well as the composition of the working groups

Gender equality plan

The Gender Equality Plan GEP will specify the guidelines for gender balance and awareness throughout the project activities Given the importance this consortium gives to ensuring equality of gender and diversity in its outputs as well as process this task pertains to constantly raising the question of whether the consortium has paid due attention to these issues throughout the projects duration The SMARTDEST Gender Committee formed by various team members across the consortium will be responsible for drafting this document at the start of the project submit it to the 1st GA for approval oversee its due application throughout the project life and bring to the attention of the PC and SG any arising issues or infringements The GEP will be redacted presented and sanctioned by the 1st General Assembly actualisations of the GEP redacted and submitted with Project and progress reports at M 12 24 and 36 presented and sanctioned at the 2nd and 3rd GA Information on implementation and updates of the Gender Equality Plan will be included in Project and Progress Reports

Post-project platform

At the end of the project a final postproject platform will be opened to provide dissemination of the projects results followup activities and exposure of activities organised by Project Partners Project Stakeholders and associated organisations related to the topic of tourism and social exclusion

2 Policy Sprints (M 28 and M 34)

Policy Sprints are events at which different policy entities and networks with a common policy focus are convened by SMARTDEST to produce a participated diagnosis of the challenges they face and discuss how their future agenda can make use of the insights working methods and pathways to innovation and policy upgrading identified in our project Conversely such events will assist SMARTDEST researchers in approaching issues and outreach channels in view of making the project outputs more effective 2 Policy Sprints events will be held one based on intermediate results from WP2 and WP3 at Month 34 and one upon completion of WP4 at M 40 The PP in charge of organising these events is POLITO and the site of the events will be Brussels in view of facilitating the attendance of key policy stakeholders

Communication platform

SMARTDESTs communication platform will be the main channel for communication both internally to the consortium partners and externally towards target audiences After 3 months the platform is online after having been presented in beta format at the 1st General Assembly It includes a website integrating different interactive functions social media sites and blog spaces profiling the projects activities knowledge outputs and events will be implemented The platform will host links to other related projects and activities as well as ample exposure of the broader scientific debate on the topics covered by SMARTDEST The platform and social media are regularly monitored through webanalytics feeding a fuller understanding of the use of different knowledge outputs and the impact they make

Press releases

Regular Press Releases will be issued throughout the project life informing the media and other publics about the key outputs corresponding to the project milestones events and progress of SMARTDEST coordinating the work of different WP Leaders as authors of deliverables which form the basis of the material to be communicated as well as the diffusion targets from case to case Press releases are scheduled to be issued at Months 3 4 6 9 12 15 16 18 20 28 30 31 32 35 36

"Technical Report ""The spatial articulation and local effects of tourism and associated mobilities"""

This deliverable will include a working paper including a database and maps analysing the historical evolution current situation and scenarios of future evolution of global mobilities that our project postulates as potential drivers of local processes of social exclusion a working paper focusing on technology and its rooting in local technological competence and SD initiatives providing insights from 3 subtasks in T23 see description of WP2 a working paper introducing an analytical framework including identify key variables and indicators to be considered in this project as illustrating trends of sociospatial exclusion that could be directly or indirectly related to the visitor economy and the penetration of tourism mobilities in the daily life of EU citizens and developing an analysis of urban exclusion and inequalities across European regions as from the description of T24

"Scientific Report on ""Tourism-related mobilities, spatial effects and local responses"""

This scientific report using the results from T25 and T31 will develop a grounded narrative of how global mobilities and especially tourism mobilities land on specific places or classes of places producing social exclusion and what other contextual policyrelated and innovative social arrangements have to be factored in these effects producing a first set of potential recommendations from this project

Policy Briefs (2 sets at M 16 and M 22)

Two series of Policy Briefs will synthetically inform the potential publics about crosscutting issues on which the project will seek to open a debate based on response (monitored in T 5.1) and proactive campaigns of diffusion and engagement. In a first stage (M9), these briefs cover the dimension and potential evolution of different mobility drivers and their local effects (from WP2). In a second stage (M18), they cover the processes of exclusion and marginalisation of resident communities, forms of coping and innovative solutions with potential for mitigation and enhanced urban cohesion (from WP3 and WP4). The multi-language format and style of such briefs facilitate reaching to different non-experts (but concerned) audiences, providing ample practical information, insights from case studies, success stories, and examples of entrenchments that users may relate to their own experience and policy contexts.

Co-learning Workshop (M 32)

Co-learning workshops are meetings targeting concern communities and networks that have stakes in the project topics and are organising advocacy actions in the EU policy space addressing the local, national governments and the EC. SMARTDEST will reach out to them and convene them at these events where we expect to cross-fertilise the respective actions; SMARTDEST will learn from their experience an approaches beyond the case studies involved in the project and these entities will have an opportunity to learn more from our project’s insights and refine their advocacy agenda. One Co-learning Workshop events will be organised, including two one-day sessions, one focusing on gender issues in social inclusion in the face of the processes analysed in our project and one focusing on housing and the right to the city. This event will be organised during the work in WP4 at M 38 and will be an opportunity to steer this WP towards completion. The PP in charge of organising these events is IGOT and the site of the events will be Lisbon.

Intermediate Scientific Workshops

Two Intermediate Scientific Workshops will be carried out in association with the 2nd and 3rd Consortium meetings (M16; M31). The hosts of such meetings (URV and UNITO, respectively) are responsible for these events, planning for their scientific scope, objectives, invited speakers and agenda. These events are functional to discussing preliminary project results with the wider scientific community and the relevant policy audiences, feeding back into the development of project activities. The invited speakers are external experts in key topics of interest at that moment of the project life cycle. Their contributions and the following debate with consortium members is collected and disseminated in the project website as a publication or stand-alone communications.

Innovation Camp

Innovation camps are events hosting a condensed process in which economic, social, technological, cultural and environmental challenges can be addressed at policy, strategy and/or operational levels, informing how they can be tackled and ‘solved’ innovatively by key quadruple helix stakeholders and experts. This approach has been successfully launched by the Joint Research Centre of the EU to foster local processes of uptake of smart specialisation strategies, and will be proposed in SMARTDEST involving business entities and innovation networks, but also policymakers, researchers and community on the way of rescaling the project insights and solutions towards implementation at the end of the project life-cycle. SMARTDEST is going to refer to the relevant office at the JRC and to the Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook (ICMH), the Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the EC’s Science and Knowledge Service. The PP in charge of organising these events is SER, backed up by UP for the relationship with the tourism industry, 4.0 tech providers and DMOs; the site of the events will be Venice where SER runs an incubator facility which is a fit working environment for these objectives.

Social innovation kit

The SMARTDEST Social Innovation Kit compiles and structures the insights gained throughout the project in a web-based tool which can be accessed and utilised by concerned stakeholders upon completion of the project. This kit includes interactive learning tools informing in personalised ways of the contexts, issues, insights and solutions developed in the project, and is made available in multiple languages. Through such educational and diagnostic tool, policymakers and other stakeholders will also be encouraged to make sense of their own experiences and contexts and reflexively engaging with the project’s out-puts. The Social Innovation Kit will be issued and made available on the project website, including online learning tools. A pilot test of 20 users with different profiles will be invited to use it and leave an evaluation of their use and potential impacts.


Mobility, Nonstationary Density, and Robbery Distribution in the Tourist Metropolis

Autorzy: Riccardo Valente; Juanjo Medina-Ariza
Opublikowane w: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Numer ahead-of-print, 2022, Strona(/y) ahead-of-print, ISSN 0928-1371
Wydawca: Mosby
DOI: 10.1007/s10610-022-09528-4

European destination regions and social exclusion challenges

Autorzy: Antonio Paolo Russo; Riccardo Valente
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Tourism Policy, Numer 12(4), 2022, Strona(/y) 372-391, ISSN 1750-4090
Wydawca: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
DOI: 10.1504/ijtp.2022.128133

Thoughts on Spanish urban tourism in a post-pandemic reality: challenges and guidelines for a more balanced future

Autorzy: Anna Torres-Delgado; Francisco López Palomeque; Josep Ivars-Baidal; Fernando Vera-Rebollo
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Tourism Cities, Numer 9(4), 2023, Strona(/y) 849-860, ISSN 2056-5607
Wydawca: Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI: 10.1108/ijtc-11-2022-0255

The Digital Dimension of Mobilities: Mapping Spatial Relationships between Corporeal and Digital Displacements in Barcelona

Autorzy: Fiammetta Brandajs
Opublikowane w: Information, Numer 12/10, 2021, Strona(/y) 421, ISSN 2078-2489
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/info12100421

Chased from Heaven or Escaping Tourist Hell? Venice's Graduate Students in Focus

Autorzy: Antonio Paolo Russo; Giacomo-Maria Salerno
Opublikowane w: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Numer ahead-of-print, 2023, Strona(/y) ahead-of-print, ISSN 0040-747X
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12583

A typology of tourism mobility apps

Autorzy: Amit Birenboim; Yael Bulis; Itzhak Omer
Opublikowane w: Tourism Management Perspectives, Numer 48, 2023, Strona(/y) 101161, ISSN 2211-9744
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2023.101161

Smarter city, less just destination? Mobilities and social gaps in Barcelona

Autorzy: Fiammetta Brandajs; Antonio Paolo Russo
Opublikowane w: Journal of Place Management and Development, Numer 16(2), 2023, Strona(/y) 291-308, ISSN 1753-8335
Wydawca: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/jpmd-03-2022-0020

Smart city and smart destination planning: Examining instruments and perceived impacts in Spain

Autorzy: Josep A. Ivars-Baidal; Marco A. Celdrán-Bernabeu; Francisco Femenia-Serra; José F. Perles-Ribes; J. Fernando Vera-Rebollo
Opublikowane w: Cities, Numer 137, 2023, Strona(/y) 104266, ISSN 1873-6084
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104266

The Impacts of Tourism Stays on Residents’ Self-Reported Health: A Pan-European Analysis on the Role of Age and Urbanization Level

Autorzy: Anna Bornioli; Susan J. Vermeulen; Jeroen van Haaren; Riccardo Valente; Giuliano Mingardo
Opublikowane w: Sustainability, Numer 14(3), 2022, Strona(/y) 1157, ISSN 2071-1050
Wydawca: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su14031157

Setting up a University City. Geographies of Exclusion in North Turin

Autorzy: Samantha Cenere; Erica Mangione; Marco Santangelo; Loris Servillo
Opublikowane w: Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2023, Strona(/y) 1-15, ISSN 1467-9663
Wydawca: Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12550

Smartening sustainable development in cities: Strengthening the theoretical linkage between smart cities and SDGs

Autorzy: S. Blasi; A. Ganzaroli; I. De Noni
Opublikowane w: Sustainable Cities and Society, Numer 80, 2022, Strona(/y) 103793, ISSN 2210-6707
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2022.103793

Smart tourism city governance: exploring the impact on stakeholder networks

Autorzy: Josep Ivars-Baidal, Ana B. Casado-Díaz, Sandra Navarro-Ruiz, Marc Fuster-Uguet
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Numer ahead-of-print, 2023, Strona(/y) ahead-of-print, ISSN 0959-6119
Wydawca: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/ijchm-03-2022-0322

Short-term rentals and long-term residence in Amsterdam and Barcelona: A comparative outlook

Autorzy: Riccardo Valente; Anna Bornioli; Susan Vermeulen; Antonio Paolo Russo
Opublikowane w: Cities, Numer 136, 2023, Strona(/y) 104252, ISSN 0264-2751
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104252

The paradox of tourism extremes. Excesses and restraints in times of COVID-19

Autorzy: Claudio Milano, Ko Koens
Opublikowane w: Current Numers in Tourism, 2021, Strona(/y) 1-13, ISSN 1368-3500
Wydawca: Channel View Publications
DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1908967

The differential impact of crises on tourism

Autorzy: Amit Birenboim; Li Min Wang; Michal Zuckerman Farkash; Rachel Shane
Opublikowane w: Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Numer 4(2), 2023, Strona(/y) 100108, ISSN 2666-9579
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.annale.2023.100108

Can local tours disperse tourists from city centres?

Autorzy: Michal Zuckerman Farkash; Amit Birenboim; Aliza Fleischer; Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom
Opublikowane w: Current Numers in Tourism, 2023, ISSN 1747-7603
Wydawca: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2023.2218607

A Technology-Based Innovation Adoption and Implementation Analysis of European Smart Tourism Projects: Towards a Smart Actionable Classification Model (SACM)

Autorzy: Dejan Križaj, Miha Bratec, Peter Kopić, Tadej Rogelja
Opublikowane w: Sustainability, Numer 13/18, 2021, Strona(/y) 10279, ISSN 2071-1050
Wydawca: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su131810279

Tourism pressure as a driver of social inequalities: a BSEM estimation of housing instability in European urban areas

Autorzy: Riccardo Valente; Antonio Paolo Russo; Susan Vermeulen; Francesco Luigi Milone
Opublikowane w: European Urban and Regional Studies, Numer 29(3), 2022, Strona(/y) 332-349, ISSN 0969-7764
Wydawca: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/09697764221078729

Residents' willingness to pay for mitigation measures: The case of tourism impacts in Tel Aviv's neighborhoods

Autorzy: Amit Birenboim; Michal Zuckerman Farkash; Aliza Fleischer
Opublikowane w: Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Numer 3(2), 2022, Strona(/y) 100068, ISSN 2666-9579
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.annale.2022.100068

Touristification, smartization, and social sustainability in European regions

Autorzy: Amit Birenboim; Salvador Anton Clavé; Andrea Ganzaroli; Anna Bornioli; Susan Vermeulen; Michal Zuckerman Farkash; Ana Pastor Alcaraz; Josep A. Ivars Baidal
Opublikowane w: Current Numers in Tourism, Numer 26(3), 2022, Strona(/y) 353–357, ISSN 1747-7603
Wydawca: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2051449

The role of the state in the touristification of Lisbon

Autorzy: Ana Estevens, Agustín Cocola-Gant, Antonio López-Gay, Fabiana Pavel
Opublikowane w: Cities, Numer 137, 2023, Strona(/y) 104275, ISSN 0264-2751
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104275

Labour precarity in the visitor economy and decisions to move out

Autorzy: Riccardo Valente; Benito Zaragozí; Antonio Paolo Russo
Opublikowane w: Tourism Geographies, Numer ahead-of-print, 2023, Strona(/y) ahead-of-print, ISSN 1470-1340
Wydawca: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2023.2172603

Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology

Autorzy: Bratec, M., Celran Bernabeu, M. A., Dejan, K., Ivars-Baidal, J., Casado Diaz, A. B., Kopic, P., & Rogelja, T. (2021). The Dual Aspect of Technology in Tourism: Social Contradictions Surrounding the Sharing Economy and Smart Destination Development. In C. Cobanoglu, S. Dogan, K. Berezina, & G. Collins (Eds.), Hospitality &Tourism Information Technology (pp. 1–25).
Opublikowane w: In C. Cobanoglu, S. Dogan, K. Berezina, & G. Collins (Eds.), Hospitality &Tourism Information Technology, Numer USF M3 Publishing. Volume 17 (2021), 2021, Strona(/y) (pp. 1–25), ISBN 9781732127593
Wydawca: University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing
DOI: 10.5038/9781732127593

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