CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Media Motor Europe


Unterstützung für die europäischen Medien in der Ära der digitalen Revolution

Die digitale Revolution hat der Medienbranche neue Bereiche eröffnet, da dem Sektor nun mehr Möglichkeiten bereitstehen als je zuvor. Die heutigen Medien nutzen digitale Lösungen und schöpfen das Potenzial von Mobilgeräten und sozialen Medien aus. Allerdings führt das neue Ökosystem zu einem stärkeren Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit, was neue Ansätze bezüglich Design, Vertrieb und Mediennutzung nach sich zieht. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MediaMotorEurope plant, Lösungen zu fördern, die Herausforderungen wie Fehlinformationen, Zugänglichkeit und Datenverwendung gewachsen sind. Es zielt darauf ab, hochkarätige europäische Innovationsschaffende in der Technologiebranche auszubilden und zu schulen, die die europäische Medienbranche gegen neue Herausforderungen rüsten und die Zukunft der Branche mitbestimmen werden. Das Projekt hat ein gezieltes Unterstützungs- und Mentorenprogramm für Start-ups und Scale-ups der Medienbranche mit großem Potenzial ins Leben gerufen.


Nowadays the media sector is moving towards an increasingly digital, mobile, and social media environment with more intense competition for attention; leading to disruptions in the creation, distribution and consumption of media. The media and creative industry in Europe is facing major challenges. Development of deep tech solutions targeting the market have the potential to help EU's media and creative industry to become an even stronger sector.
MediaMotorEurope (MME) will boost solutions that can address challenges such as misinformation, accessibility, user interfaces and use of data. Its goal is to nurture high-potential European deep tech innovators, solving today´s most prominent media industry challenges and support them in building the media solutions of tomorrow.
To succeed in this challenge, MediaMotorEurope brings together 4 distinct ecosystems in 4 different countries across Europe: Two dedicated media hubs and two strong innovation hubs. Together with European networks of investors and startups, this will ensure that DeepTech StartUps/ScaleUps have access to the resources and prospective clients they need to succeed in accessing the market.
In order to support high-potential startups and scaleups in the ecosystem, MME has constructed a dedicated support and mentoring programme. Engagement activities and ambitious selection criteria based on a SWOT analysis will provide the most promising startups with 6 month of intensive support and coaching from MME experts. This MME programme will be repeated 3 times, having the ambition to select and support a total of 60 startups throughout the project. The ambition is that each of the selected innovators will have 3 potential clients in their books by the end of the six-month support period.
MME will host and attend a series of events to boost the visibility of the DeepTech solutions provided by the programme participants, creating even more opportunities to bring strong European innovations to the market.

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IA - Innovation action


€ 476 250,00
1043 Bruxelles / Brussel

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Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
€ 476 250,00

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