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BD4NRG: Big Data for Next Generation Energy

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BD4NRG (BD4NRG: Big Data for Next Generation Energy)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-01-01 do 2022-06-30

The rising decentralization of the energy system is unveiling an enormous opportunity for energy stakeholders to leverage on big data & AI technologies to improve decision making and prepare the ground for a scalable and more efficient consumer-centric energy systems, which brings active consumers center stage. There are however some barriers hampering the exploitation of this potential, such as the lack of understanding from the utilities side on the added value from the availability of increasing amount of data, the insufficient culture of data sharing among B2B operators, and among utilities and active energy consumers/prosumers, and the lack of standardized big data architectures for smart grids and regulatory frameworks not enabling data sharing.
Overall BD4NRG aims at evolving, upscaling and demonstrating an innovative energy-tailored Big Data Analytics Toolbox (BD4NRG Toolbox) which will significantly contribute to achieve a techno-economic optimal management of Electric Power and Energy Systems (EPES) value chain.
BD4NRG will
i) deliver a reference architecture for Smart Energy, which aligns BDVA SRIA, IDSA and FIWARE architectures, SAREF standard and extend COSMAG specification to enable B2B multi-party data exchange, while providing full interoperability of leading-edge big data technologies with smart grid standards and operational frameworks
ii) evolve and upscale a number of TRL 5-6 technology enablers, such as scalable sovereignty-preserving hybrid DLT/off-chain data governance, big data elastic pipeline orchestration, IoT/edge AI-based federated learning and multi-resource sharing tokenized marketplace, loosely integrate and deploy them within the TRL 7-8 BD4NRG framework
iii) deliver a TRL8 open modular big data analytic toolbox as front-end for one-stop-shop analytics services development by orchestrating legacy and/or third party assets (data, computing resources, models, algorithms)
iv) validate such framework through the delivery of predictive and prescriptive edge AI-based big data analytics on 13 large scale pilots, deployed by different energy stakeholders (TSOs and DSOs power network operators, aggregators, storage/renewable assets operators, local energy communities, ESCOs, power market operators, municipalities, financial institutions and ENTSO-E), fully covering the energy value chain
v) setup a vibrant data-driven ecosystem through which will federate new energy data providers, attract SMEs for novel energy services provisioning through cascading funding and validate a hybrid energy/industry value chain supporting B2B joint digital platforms
By incorporating the context of the 12 pilot demonstrators, 10 main beneficiaries were identified with 39 pilot actors, producing 17 use cases and defining 69 user requirements.
WP2 focused on scenarios, use cases, specifications, requirements and led to the release of the first version of the BD4NRG reference architecture (D2.5) submitted at M8, which was also leveraged to deploy the European energy data exchange reference architecture within the framework of the Data Management Working Group of the DG Energy BRIDGE Cluster. BD4NRG has proceeded hence with its 1st technology release and the subsequent first validation cycle. Results are available on a subset of pilots and provide the basis for a successful 2nd technology release and the upcoming validation period.
The definition of a Data Governance Layer, and the establishment of a unified system architecture for the Governance layer are the main outcomes. WP3 analyses the integration of BD4NRG Governance Layer with the IDSA and GAIA-X conceptual architectures. A successful 1st technology release on M11 is documented on D3.1 while ongoing activities are underway for the 2nd technology release.
With respect to Data Modelling & Open Modular AI-based edge-level Analytics Toolbox, activities focused on potential approaches to adopt an edge/fog/cloud architecture to process energy big data close to sensors. Analytics services have been developed, under the umbrella of several problems such as classification, regression, forecasting and optimization that will be used under the pilot demonstrators’ context. A first version of these analytics has been released in D4.6 on M13 and the current work is focusing on the update of the analytics services to be released in D4.7 on M21.
WP5 activities are related to BD4NRG Marketplace for digital assets monetisation and included the definitions of the main functionalities to be implemented through the Application/Business scenario process. An initial marketplace architecture, establishing linkage to the other BD4NRG components is available, while the 1st technological release for the Marketplace is presented in deliverable D5.2 on M12. WP5 activities are also focusing on suitably complementing the work carried out in WP2 by delivering a marketplace-centered scenarios storytelling, where a number of scenarios are actually under definition as entry point the marketplace.
On pilot activities, the BD4NRG Pilot Operation, Engagement M&V Plan has been reported in D6.1 on M8. Several Pilot Specific KPIs have been identified to validate the impact of the Use Cases, allowing to properly assess BD4NRG solution. The Baseline analysis is presented in D7.1 D8.1 and D9.1 for each pillar of BD4NRG’s pilots respectively (BD-4-DER, BD-4-NET, BD-4-ENEF), while the 1st evaluation phase has been conducted successfully between M11-M13 along with the accompanying report (D6.2 at M15), showing the integration with the technical WPs (WP3-4-5) and the initial development of the analytics services.
Dissemination activities under WP11 dealt with the project branding and online presence, creation of communication material, support in the standardization activities, synergies with related programs and initiatives and the identification of the exploitation and business plan. BD4NRG is very active in the dissemination activities, having collaborated through numerous events with other initiatives and projects, also outside the EC funded projects ecosystem.
Main progress of BD4NRG project consisted of:
i) the BD4NRG-GOVERNANCE encompassing modules related to data collection, handling, semantic annotation, integration, distributed storage.
ii) the BD4NRG-PROCESSING/ANALYTICS including ML and DL models and providing a set of analytics tools as a service (SaaS/PaaS/IaaS models). BD4NRG defined three main categories of cross-stakeholder energy and non-energy services that will be developed and tested in the context of Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs). The Toolbox will be able to handle heterogeneous types of data from multiple domains and sources. The collected data will be processed to create different business cases considering the interaction of different stakeholders and scales that will be emerged through the LSPs.
iii) the BD4NRG-MARKETPLACE which delivers a participatory Smart grid blockchain-based marketplace enabler through which B2B and B2C players may share and exchange tokenized heterogeneous assets, ranging from energy data to energy consuming/generating assets and services.
BD4NRG will support the creation and exploitation of innovative services through the utilisation of a wide variety of data, for the safe and effective operation of energy networks and renewable generation assets.
BD4NRG Overview