Vinification is the process of turning grapes into wine. During vinification, to produce quality wine, it is critically important to monitor certain parameters - density, turbidity, colour, level, temperature and alcohol content. However, today such monitoring is time and labour intensive, requiring expensive investments in advanced equipment and high skilled personnel. The high labour costs greatly increases the overall expenses of wine making in Europe. The manual, sparse and timed collection of data also means that the data gathered can neither be used for real time corrective actions nor can be integrated with AI tools which can provide forecasting capabilities. The data from present processes lack the velocity required for “precision oenology". Technology of this magnitude will allow for further applications after wine, such as water and other critical liquids essential to day to day life. During the project, Watgrid will review and upgrade the sensor units to increase the operational range and develop software tools, design and engineer the production line. From a strategic prospective, the company will develop its commercial channels and file additional IP.