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Personalised multimedia digital consultation to revolutionise the doctor-patient consultation process.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Anatomus (Personalised multimedia digital consultation to revolutionise the doctor-patient consultation process.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-08-01 do 2019-12-31

On average, a doctor-patient consultation lasts about 10 minutes in Europe with the patient remembering only 14 % of what was discussed.

Why i it important for society:
The rule of thirds emerges: one third of patients will understand and will adhere to what their doctor or healthcare professional prescribes, one-third will begin to adhere but shortly thereafter cease to adhere, and one third of patients will never adhere to what their healthcare professional prescribes.

Overall Objectives:
The EU-funded project Anatomus provides a software platform that enables patient education, so that patients will gain a stronger understanding of 'what the doctor said', will be more informed, will understand why the doctor is prescribing certain medications, exercises, dietary changes, and as a result, will be more likely to adhere to these prescriptions. During this feasibility study, the primary objective was to carry out a series of tasks that would enable the promotors of Anatomus to strengthen the market fit for Anatomus, and as a result, strengthen the business case for Anatomus regarding fundraising to further the develop Anatomus to disrupt the doctor-patient verbal consultation market.
End User Engagement: engaged with and trialled Anatomus with 1,000 new patients and healthcare professionals.
Usability Analysis: carried out an in-depth usability analysis of Anaotomus using online surveys, focus groups and think aloud method.
Technical research: developed a 10-page research document on best practices on cloud storage integration with healthcare records using Anatomus.
Regulatory: Researched and analysed regulatory, operational and business model needed to meet payor requirements.
Payment and Pricing Models: Stakeholder engagement and customer interviews yielded solid pricing, marketing and sales strategies.
Business Plan: developed a comprehensive Business Plan utilising the outputs from the feasibility study findings.
Progress beyond the state of the art:
Progress to date has included building on the iterative development of Anatomus.
To date this has involved developing a prototype that is robust and stable, which has been demonstrated and piloted in an operational (hospital) environment.

Progress beyond the expected results until the end of the project:
End user engagement and healthcare practitioner feedback was higher than anticipated. We ended up trialling with 100% more healthcare practitioners and their patients than anticipated.
Screenshot of Anatomus.