Periodic Reporting for period 3 - InSecTT (Intelligent Secure Trustable Things)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-06-01 do 2023-08-31
The overall objectives of InSecTT are to develop solutions for (1) Intelligent, (2) Secure, (3) Trustable (4) Things applied in (5) industrial solutions for European industry throughout the whole Supply Chain (6).
More precisely:
1) Providing intelligent processing of data applications and communication characteristics locally at the Edge to enable real-time and safety-critical industrial applications.
2) Developing industrial-grade secure, safe and reliable solutions that can cope with cyberattacks and difficult network conditions.
3) Providing measures to increase trust for user acceptance, make AI/ML explainable and give the user control over AI functionality.
4) Developing solutions for the Internet of Things, i.e. mostly wireless devices with energy- and processingconstraints, in heterogeneous and also hostile/harsh environments.
5) Providing re-usable solutions across industrial domains.
6) Methodological approach with the Integral Supply Chain, from academic, to system designers and integrators, to component providers, applications and services developers & providers and end users.
The implementation and documentation of the BB in WP2/WP3 has been completed. On one hand, they have been integrated into the use cases and validated within the demonstrators (WP5). On the other hand, special public versions of the the BB results have been made available via 2 deliverables that will be accessible by everyone.
In WP4, the work on the InSecTT AIoT reference architecture has been completed with their final release, by making further refinements and improvements based on the experience collected within the UCs. For the 16 use cases in WP5, an impressive number of demonstrators has been created, integrated and finally validated, showcasing the results of the InSecTT project.
InSecTT also created heavy impact with respect to dissemination: numerous dissemination and publication activities have taken place during the third year. InSecTT was very successful regarding scientific dissemination with 70 publications in Y3 (in addition to the 50 reported in Y2 and another 38 reported in Y1), including technical papers, journal articles and master thesis. Finally, the consortium is proud to report on its upcoming book “Intelligent Secure Trustable Things”, to be published by Springer Nature.
InSecTT fostered cooperation between big industrial players from various domains, highly innovative SMEs and cutting-edge research organisations and universities. The project has demonstrated its results in a big variety of industry-driven use cases embedded into various application domains where Europe is in a leading position: smart infrastructure, building, manufacturing, automotive, aeronautics, railway, urban public transport, maritime as well as health.
InSecTT solutions were demonstrated in real-world environments such as airports, trains, ports, and the health sector - creating a huge impact on both high and broad level, from citizens to European stakeholders. InSecTT has brought intelligent solutions into the market by conclusive showcases all over Europe, hence strengthening Europe’s industry and once more makeing European solutions a frontrunner in cutting-edge technology.
InSecTT will strengthen Europe’s industry by demonstrating intelligent solutions which allow third parties – in particular startups companies – to develop AIoT applications faster in an open innovation-based approach to increase societal benefits. InSecTT will boost private investments into AIoT. In addition to the ECSEL and national funding, industrial partners will invest a significant amount of own money into industrialisation and commercialisation of their AIoT developments, going down the last mile to the market. Not only products will be developed but based on the significant amount of cross-domain use cases provided by the industry a huge amount of new services based on AIoT will be made available, like for smart infrastructure like ports and airports with a special focus on professional and private end users. InSecTT will significantly improve the trust of professional and private users into AIoT solutions: InSecTT takes the “Framework for Developing Trustable Systems” created as part of the SCOTT project and will substantially extend it to cover the topic of AI. As part of this, InSecTT will develop solutions fully compliant to the “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI”, having been released in April 2019 by the “Independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence”. InSecTT will instantiate those guidelines and integrate them into the “Framework for Developing Trustable AIoT systems”. Hence, InSecTT will be a showcase for European industry by developing trustable and ethical AIoT solutions for the benefits of citizens and the society.
InSecTT has opened up new market opportunities for the European industry, significantly reduced time to market and decreased costs for trustable Artificial Intelligence of Things solutions. The project supported to establish the EU as a centre of intelligent, secure and trustworthy systems for industrial applications, enabled by a strong industry with a strong reputation and an informed society. By its completion, it enabled products and services based on AI compliant with European values and “Made in Europe”.