CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

Just noticeable differences in affect: Estimating the minimum change in positive and negative affect that meaningfully impact people’s subjective experience of emotions


Bias in Self-Reports: An Initial Elevation Phenomenon

Autorzy: Farid Anvari, Emir Efendić, Jerome Olsen, Ruben C. Arslan, Malte Elson, and Iris K. Schneider
Opublikowane w: Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2023, ISSN 1948-5506
Wydawca: Sage Periodicals Press
DOI: 10.1177/19485506221129160

Is “Neutral” Really Neutral? Mid-point Ratings in the Affective Norms English Words (ANEW) May Mask Ambivalence

Autorzy: Farid Anvari, Jacqueline Bachmann, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Iris K. Schneider
Opublikowane w: Collabra: Psychology, Numer 9(1), 2023, ISSN 2474-7394
Wydawca: University of California Press
DOI: 10.1525/collabra.82204

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