Periodic Reporting for period 3 - BIZENTE (Apply ligninases to resolve end-of-life issues of thermoset composite plastics)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-05-01 do 2024-04-30
To reach this purpose, BIZENTE modified commercial resins (2 generations) to improve the enzymatic degradation. 13 hydrolases have been cloned in P. pastoris. They have been expressed and characterised. Regarding the enzymatic process upscaling, a sustainable process was developed (methanol free), identifying isophtalic acid as the main product released. Strategies and valorisation alternatives have been studied for it and for the chemical degradation residue, obtaining a new polyester product. An extensive range of toxicity tests were carried out with different model organisms, to assess resins, degradation products and enzymes- The LCA studies confrm the CO2 emissions of the modified resins is significantly lower than traditional ones.
A methanol free procedure was tested and even if the productivity depends on the strain in use, the new protocol provides an autoinduction approach that overcomes methanol drawbacks in terms of environmental and cost impact.
Isophthalic Acid was identified as the main monomer produced by the hydrolytic effect of selected enzymes on polymer surface. Then, several parameters affecting the catalysis were tested to improve reaction yield. At the end of which, a 150-fold increase in resin degradation was reached, confirming that the combination of several factors allowed terrific exploitation of enzymatic potential in the degradation of polyester thermoset resin.
A variety of toxicity tests under realistic and environmentally relevant conditions have been carried out on terrestrial and aquatic organisms of importance for their role in the environment and the ecosystems they represent.
A methodology has been developed to study and identify resins and other chemical and enzymatic degradation by-products in biological samples from toxicity tests.
Physicochemical characterization studies have been carried out at laboratory scale with different chemically modified resins. The applicability and processability of these materials have been validated according to the construction, aeronautical and railway sectors. Similarly, the valorization of the products obtained, such as isophthalic acid, and its potential application in different sectors and industrial applications has also been explored.
LCA, LCC and s-LCA studies have been carried out comparing the processes and characteristics of eight products or formulations obtained in the project and traditional resins. Different environmental impact categories related to climate change, as well as social impact, have been taken into account. New databases have been created under different assumptions and criteria for the development of the different analyses and the interpretation of the results at the scale achieved in the project. The LCA study has shown that our Bio Based resins have up to 35% less CO2 emissions than traditional resins. We expect this advantage to be even greater when a real target production of bio resins is established
Partners have defined 5 Key Exploitable results; they have evaluated their exploitation routes and developed a business plan which demonstrates the commercial potential of BIZENTE´s technology.
Communication, dissemination and training activities have been successfully carried out since the beginning of the project and all the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been achieved. A face-to-face session of the training took place in PLATA. The final event took place in Madrid to show the results of BIZENTE and to present the outcomes to different stakeholders.
industries are the aerospace and automotive industry so as to the construction, energy and sports among other industries. Most significant impacts of BIZENTE project are to create connections between all the implied agents of the chain promoting business clusters in a new value chain that would comprise the chemical, the biotechnological, plastics and waste management sectors.
BIZENTE most relevant achievements begin with the creation of at least two new cross-sector interconnections between the waste managers & the biotechnological sectors and also between the thermoset composite and the biotechnological sectors. In addition, interactions
between the other areas are reinforced with the project and offers and innovative view to it.The creation of a new value chain “closes the loop” of the composite waste management area by offering an important achievement for society, creating a new working sector, respecting
environmental laws and promoting science and its practical application through BIZENTE project.
These achievements will address societal needs by contributing to a more sustainable society in terms of social, economic and environmental terms. For example, in the case of PLATA, the largest European centre for parking and recycling of aircrafts, around 13.000 tons of composite waste are generated per year. BIZENTE project will be a great opportunity to study the viability (business case) to implement the developed technology as a new line of the recycling activity and to provide a new sustainable end-of-life alternative to all the thermoset composite dismantled parts making a process more economical and environmentally advantageous.
The same technology will be easy to be replicated once tested to the railway sector and in this case, we have VEOLIA and EURIF as stakeholders of BIZENTE project, both enterprises are focused on the recovery and recycling of rolling stock and as PLATA will be able to implement BIZENTE technology in their facilities. It is also expected that waste managers will reduce its costs by providing solutions for the mechanical recycling concerning exclusively the use of composite materials.
In terms of social impacts, BIZENTE offers a new framework for a sustainable development of the composite industry creating employment and reinforcing the links between different sectors and companies. PLATA would be a first uptaker of the technology having already the market and supply chain established for its quick growth and this would suppose an impact in direct and indirect jobs.