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Innovative End of Life procedures for REcycling INTEGRAl welded Al-Li Aerostructures

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ReINTEGRA (Innovative End of Life procedures for REcycling INTEGRAl welded Al-Li Aerostructures)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-01-01 do 2023-04-30

The REINTEGRA Project focuses on development of dismantling and recycling procedures for integral welded panels, that are under development for new lightweight and cost-effective aircraft structures within the Eco-Design for Airframe (EDA) activity in the Clean Sky programme. This project investigates different cutting strategies, ranging from cutting only for size reduction to full separation of all materials, and will determine their influence on the recyclability of 3rd generation of Al-Li alloys. Furthermore, the need to eliminate primer and topcoats and different decoating methods were investigated. The separated metallic fractions were processed in a pilot melting facility and the produced metallic alloys characterised in order to establish a ranking in terms of costs, environmental impact and effectivity, that allows to select the best option for recycling Laser Beam Welded (LBW) and Friction Stir Welded (FSW) panels.
Also, a recycling compatibility tool (software) was developed to determine compatibility of different Al-Li alloys, filler material and coatings. First, the theoretical composition of mixed materials per weld length was calculated and then, this composition was corrected with experimental data from remelting tests regarding element fading/enrichment. The results were compared with commercial alloys and the recycling compatibility with primary alloys estimated. The aim was to valorise as much as possible all the valuable alloying elements.
The proposed new procedures for dismantling and recycling were tested both, at coupon level and at live panel dismantling experiment, in which materials were identified, sorted and pre-treated. The separated metallic fractions were processed in a pilot melting facility and the produced metallic alloys characterised. Materials and energy flows, emissions and waste generation were inventoried during the new End-of-Life process tested and provided to the Topic Manager for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
ReINTEGRA Consortium is composed by 2 RTD centres coming from Spain (AZTERLAN and CIDETEC) and one aerospace company from Belgium (SONACA). Their multidisciplinary competences and skills will be supplemented with the expert knowledge of two industrial advisors: one company specialised in aircraft disassembly and dismantling (AIR) and Constellium, Al-Li aircraft alloy manufacturer, which contributed with their expertise to the validation assessment of the quality of the recycled alloy.
The work carried out has focused on finishing the investigation of the recyclability of welded panels, theoretically and on single-stringer coupons at laboratory scale (WP2, WP3). The accomplishment of those activities has relied on the development of some ad-hoc characterisation protocols (WP4), in order to obtain meaningful measurements of chemical composition per unit of representative samples, and on the definition of a set of decision rules and the assessment algorithm for estimating alloys compatibility and predicting their recyclability (WP3).
Experimental screening proposed in RP1 was updated, dividing the experimental plan in several steps: STEP 0: samples for pre-scrap analysis and lab furnace set-up; STEP 1: Cutting experiments, trying all possible cutting strategies on each of the four coupon configurations; STEP 2: Cutting experiments to generate materials for remelting set-up tests of different EoL strategies; STEP 3.1: Cutting experiments following the selected best possible cutting strategies to be validated by remelting and STEP 3.2: Cutting experiments for full EoL validation of coated samples. WP5 started in RP2 to define the set up for validating experimentally the outlined recycling methodology for “full" welded panels, and further fine-tune the procedures for preparing the scalable recycling procedure. Technology insights of each step were summarised in D1 at coupon level and in D22 at demopanel level.
Data on energy consumption, material flows, equipment and consumables, operational conditions, etc. were collected by the partners during the cutting, decoating and remelting experiments performed on coupon samples in RP1 and on demopanels in RP2. Those data were being used to produce Life Cycle Inventory datasets (WP6), that helped to evaluate environmentally EoL alternatives, delivering additional criteria to support selection of options, in addition to technical performance. They data were the basis for filling in standardised DCs following the template provided by CS2 Eco Design TA partners.
Apart from the abovementioned technical activities, work on communication and dissemination of project results has been done and the final versions of the Communication & Dissemination Plan, of the Exploitation Plan and of the Data Management Plan (DMP) were issued. Furthermore, a revised version of DMP, updated at month 37, is provided for the present Reporting Period. All open access datasets were published in Zenodo. The technical results were presented in an international conference and in an indexed journal.
Significant advances beyond the state of the art were achieved in ReINTEGRA project. The main results were:
-Definition of the best scrapping, decoating and recycling methodology for dismantling and scrapping and recycling welded panels for maximising the quality of Al-Li alloys
-LCA screening of EoL procedures for integral welded panels and LCA data collection for the different possible recycling routes
-A software for predicting Al-Li alloys compatibility/recyclability of different Al-Li alloys, filler material and coatings and to predict the composition of mixed materials per weld length. Conclusions and best practices report.
There is a clear technical impact derived from improving recycling processes for mixed Al-Li alloys systems using BATs, but as indicated in the topic description, impacts are expected, above all, on reducing CO2 emissions and on improving EU competitiveness. The expected impacts have significance in the whole aeronautic value-chain, with repercussions on aircraft dismantling market, in the Al-Li alloys market and in the aluminium recycling market.
The main industrial impact is related to the demonstration of an innovative EoL concept for integral welded structures made of different Al-Li alloys which includes a cost and environmental impact screening. Other industrial benefits to be achieved are linked to the potential re-design of parts, using compatible Al-Li alloys, compatible filler wires and new Cr-free surface treatment technologies and promoting it as raw material (promoting this way lighter aerostructures). Apart from the new EoL procedure, eco-design tips of FSW and LBW aerostructures were provided
Environmental impacts, scientific-technical impacts and societal impacts are also foreseen, for example:
-Demonstrating CO2 savings by optimised EOL technologies leading to recycling mixed 3rd generation Al-Li alloys into same alloy category: no down-cycling, minimising/avoiding dilution, adopt circular economy principles.
-DfEOL (DfR) tips to ecoTECH on manufacturing choices for encouraging efficient recycling of innovative integral welded panels
-LCA data collection on EOL of integral panels: To contribute to upkeep and enlarge MPR database suitable for aeronautics, enhancing EU competitiveness dimension.
-Increasing old scrap (closed-loop) recycling, avoiding losses of Al and alloying (Li, Ag, Zr…) elements in the material loops.