CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Creating a sustainable, flourishing industry: digitizing the traditional cut-flower industry


Intelligente Lösungen für nachhaltige Blumenzucht

Die globale Schnittblumenbranche hat ein Volumen von Milliarden Euro. Um die Nachfrage stets zu decken, bedarf es einer komplexen Versorgungskette, die Arbeitskräfte, Landwirtschaft, Großhandel, Handel, Floristik und Märkte umfasst. Bei der schnellen Auslieferung der Schnittblumen ist der Einsatz einer „Kühlkette“ nötig, damit sie frisch bleiben. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FLOURISH hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, derzeit verwendete Prozesse mittels Einsatzes digitaler Technologien wie künstlicher Intelligenz zu optimieren. Ein Beispiel ist eine besondere Softwareplattform, die die Interaktion zwischen dem Großhandel und Supermärkten erleichtern kann. Die neue Plattform wird außerdem Supermärkten einen größeren Handlungsspielraum bei der Zusammenstellung des Blumensortiments ermöglichen. Sie wird zunächst in Frankreich, Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich eingeführt werden. Diese drei Länder wurden aufgrund des hohen Prozentsatzes an Blumen, die über Supermärkte Absatz finden, ausgewählt.


BloomyPro, located at the flower The variety of flowers at a supermarket is drastically minimized compared to the endless number of flowers that are available. A result of the risks associated with managing inventory and profit margins of short life products as flowers. Trading of flowers in this market still happens via time-consuming, old-fashioned steps involving physical selection of bouquets that fast, customer demand-based decisions on assortment impossible. While emerging digital technologies as AI could greatly improve processes, the current way of working does not allow implementation to this. At Bloomy, we want to change this and embark on a digital revolution with our software platform that facilitates the interaction between retail suppliers and supermarkets. Our team has a solid track record with >25 years in the floral industry combined with experience in entrepreneurship, marketing and commercialization of in digital solutions. BloomyPro has >6000 3D images to design and present your digital flower assortment connected to real-time day-prices and inventory. The platform is designed for a new way of trading to overcome current risks with flower sales and give supermarkets a larger role in determining their assortment. Active users are currently retail suppliers yielding an annual revenue of €200 000, and we are seeking to expand to supermarkets where BloomyPro can have a significant impact. Well-illustrated by our market study showing that TESCO can reduce 7.5% waste and 10% flower-associated cost by using BloomyPro. We aim to market BloomyPro as Software as a Service to large supermarkets with initial focus on UK, DE and FR. Strategically choses because of a high percentage of flower being sold via supermarkets and a retail market dominated by only a few large players. With the FLOURISH project we aim to strengthening our market insight (barriers, business model) and prime for growth to enter this market (marketing strategy and technical feasibility).

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