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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

The European Banking Union: its Impact on the EU and its Member States, and on Accountability Standards

Descrizione del progetto

Una prospettiva a più livelli sull’impatto dell’Unione bancaria europea

Nel 2013, l’UE ha istituito l’Unione bancaria europea per garantire la stabilità del proprio settore bancario. Tale iniziativa rientrava nella risposta istituzionale dell’UE all’aggravarsi della crisi finanziaria nel 2012. Quasi un decennio dopo, il progetto IMPACTEBU, finanziato dall’UE, studierà l’impatto multidimensionale che l’Unione bancaria europea ha avuto sia sull’Unione che sui suoi Stati membri. Per far luce su questo tema poco studiato, si analizzerà l’impatto dell’Unione bancaria europea sull’equilibrio istituzionale di alcuni Stati membri dell’UE (Germania, Francia e Italia). Il progetto studierà anche l’effetto dell’Unione bancaria europea sul quadro istituzionale dell’UE, in particolare per la Banca centrale europea e per le agenzie e gli organismi come l’Autorità bancaria europea. Sarà inoltre effettuata una valutazione per verificare che sia garantita la responsabilità.


The economic and financial crisis that hit Europe a decade ago showed that the rules in force in the European Union (EU) could not cope with a banking and debt crisis appropriately. To tackle this problem, the European Banking Union (EBU) was established (2013), leading to the EU gaining competences in bank supervision and bank resolution. Yet, the creation of the EBU has numerous and multi-dimensional consequences for both the EU and its Member States. This project aims to examine those consequences. Taking France, Germany and Italy as representative case studies, it firstly analyses the impact that the EBU’s creation has had on the institutional balance at national level. Secondly, it considers its impact on the EU’s institutional framework, and in particular the consequences for the European Central Bank as well as specifically-created agencies and bodies such as the European Banking Authority. Thirdly, this project examines the EBU’s impact from a multilevel perspective, assessing whether accountability is sufficiently guaranteed or whether any gaps have emerged. Indeed, as shown by the crisis, bank failures have very significant consequences for Member States’ economies and tax payers’ money, which means that the transfer of bank supervision and resolution to the EU arguably requires high(er) levels of administrative accountability (i.e. auditing control), as well as judicial (i.e. judicial review) and democratic accountability. This project analyses these three types of accountability both as stand-alone issues and overlapping concerns. In employing a unique combination of legal and political science methods, while being informed by (political) economic research, and in addressing an emerging but under-researched topic, this project is original and will contribute greatly to making the EBU less obscure to citizens and stakeholders, while informing on-going reform discussions.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 184 707,84
75341 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 184 707,84