CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

When and how to be creative? Neuro-cognitive investigation of creative metacognition.


Für wie kreativ halten wir uns?

Kreativität und Innovation sind entscheidend für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Kreativität, also die Fähigkeit, neue und konstruktive Ideen zu entwickeln, kann kulturellen Fortschritt fördern und als Grundlage für Innovation dienen. Diese wiederum ist entscheidend, um die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern und die Gesellschaft zu stärken. Auf persönlicher Ebene verbessert Kreativität das Wohlbefinden und den Wissenserwerb. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CreativeMetacognitio wird die individuellen Unterschiede in der kreativen Metakognition untersuchen. Hierunter versteht man das selbst- und kontextbezogene Wissen, mit dem wir Entscheidungen zu unseren eigenen kreativen Anstrengungen und Leistungen treffen. Das Projekt wird auf Forschungsarbeiten aufbauen, laut denen kreatives Verhalten eine agentische Entscheidung ist. Ziel des Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Stipendiums ist die Untersuchung der Genauigkeit der kreativen Metakognition. Außerdem sollen die Facetten der Regulierung dieser Metakognition aus verhaltensbezogener und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden.


Creativity, defined as the ability to generate novel and effective ideas, elevates cultural progress and as a basis for innovation is crucial for enhancing economic competitiveness and strengthening society. On personal level, creativity increases well-being, positive affect, flourishing, and plays an essential role in learning. Creative behavior is an agentic decision and it also depends on the conviction about one’s own abilities to manage the creativity challenge and on how much creativity is valued by that person and surroundings. The constellation of beliefs that determine a person’s engagement and performance on creative endeavors called creative self-beliefs. It was proved that these self-beliefs play an intermediary role between creative abilities and creative action behavior So far, of the all components of creative self-beliefs we know the least about creative metacognition, which is defined as a combination of creative self-knowledge (knowing one’s own creative strengths and limitations) and contextual knowledge (knowing when, where, how, and why to be creative). Even though several researchers and theorists pointed out that creative metacognition plays an essential role in the process of creative potential realization, there is still very little research on this topic.Based on available theories and research results, we propose a two-stage research program to extend knowledge about individual differences in creative metacognition (CMC) considering 1) CMC accuracy and 2) CMC regulation facets from a behavioral and neuroscientific perspective. The Maria Skłodowska Fellowship participation will facilitate successful execution of the project, but also target areas, in which I require additional skill development to prepare and position me for a career as an independent researcher, ready to gain habilitation.


€ 186 167,04
8010 Graz

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€ 186 167,04