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Proto-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Hybrid Systems for Generation-Next Bionic Devices


Erster Schritt zu bionischen Systemen: Elektron-Proton-Hybridtransistoren

Aufgrund unseres veränderten Lebensstils und des allgegenwärtigen Gebrauchs neuer Technologien ist heute eine massive Verbreitung elektronischer Geräte zu beobachten. Dieses neue, noch nie dagewesene Phänomen birgt jedoch aufgrund der ständig zunehmenden Menge an giftigem Elektronikschrott Gefahren für die Umwelt. Zweifellos muss die Elektronikindustrie dringend nachhaltige, umweltfreundliche Lösungen einführen. Zu diesem Zweck verfolgt das EU-finanzierte Projekt PROGENY das Ziel, fortgeschrittene funktionelle Protonenmaterialien zu entwickeln, die in revolutionären biomimetischen Bauelementen und Sensoren, den sogenannten proto-opto-elektro-mechanischen Systemen (POEMS), Einsatz finden sollen. Bei diesem neuartigen Design kommen natürliche, effiziente und per se nachhaltige biologische Systeme zum Einsatz, die einen fundamentalen Durchbruch im Bereich Bauelemente- und Sensorinnovation bedeuten. PROGENY wird das erste bionische Bauelement mit Gate-Elektron-Proton-Hybridtransistoren, die lebende Zellen beinhalten können, liefern und demonstrieren, wenn der Technologie-Reifegrad 3/4 erreicht ist..


PROGENY targets a foundational and sustainable innovation, exploiting unique properties of designer soap films as advanced functional materials, to be used in fundamentally new type of biomimetic devices and sensors categorized as Proto-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (POEMS).

A common soap film is uniquely characterized by a proton conducting, flexible, semipermeable, quasi 2-D aqueous phase, which doubles as a smooth (3.2Å roughness) and low defect substrate for self-assembled surfactant monolayers on its opposite surfaces. Synthetic surfactants are aliphatic oligomer tails modified with hydrophilic head groups, and have been traditionally designed for use as detergents or colloidal stabilizers. The scope of modifying 1D molecular wires and 2D conjugated polymers, to create novel surfactants, is wide open. These electronic molecules will be designed to significantly reduce surface tension in aqueous solution, self-assemble at water-gas interfaces, and mechanically stabilize a new class of electronic soap films, allowing radical innovations in POEMS.

PROGENY will consolidate an interdisciplinary team of pioneering European experts, and its seminal set of deliverables will be foundational to consequent R&D activities in POEMS. As a final demonstrator (TRL 3-4), we will deliver - Gated electron-proton hybrid transistors that can host living cells, as foundational precursors to bionic device prototypes targeted in Phase II. Within the project, new electronic surfactant molecules will be synthesized, characterized and modelled; new categories of electronic soap films will be characterized and tested; new devices will be designed and fabricated. In an environmentally responsible research effort, all new materials will be tested for eco-toxicological impact. Sustainability of POEMS technology and its socio-economic impact will be indicated by a prospective (ex-ante) life cycle assessment (LCA). PROGENY will also deliver a white paper and a basic business plan.

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€ 1 048 000,00
01069 Dresden

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Sachsen Dresden Dresden, Kreisfreie Stadt
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 048 000,00

Beteiligte (9)