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Towards Intelligent DC-based hybrid Grids Optimizing the network performance

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Business Model development (first report)

D82 Preliminary business models and business value proposition of TIGON solutions including a market and competition analysis to facilitate TIGON spreading D82 belongs to Task 82 Business models and plan validation and refinement

Mid-term Report on collaboration with other initiatives including BRIDGE

Within task 94 Interaction and exploitation of synergies with BRIGDE and other projectsinitiatives framework D912 includes the updates on the outcomes from TIGON events organized in collaboration with other projectsinitiatives including the participation in BRIDGE working groups

Business Model development (mid-term report)

D83 Advanced business models and business value proposition of TIGON solutions including an economic analysis to evaluate potential profitability D83 belongs to Task 82 Business models and plan validation and refinement

Description of scenarios for DC-AC/DC hybrid grid architectures and services provided to the main grid

This Deliverable is the outcome of Task 25 and aims at paving the way for the identification of potential barriers and opportunities of TIGON solutions It will include the preliminary analysis of different scenarios where DCACDC hybrid grids can be deployed the definition of different ancillary services and the improved operation that DC grids can provide to the overall network

RRI First Report

This deliverable is the first result within the Task 14 Integration of the Responsible Research and Innovation approach Responsible Research and Innovation RRI practices will be gathered and updated in a next level

First Report on collaboration with other initiatives including BRIDGE

Within task 94 Interaction and exploitation of synergies with BRIGDE and other projectsinitiatives framework D911 is a report describing the outcomes from TIGON events organized in collaboration with other projectsinitiatives including the participation in BRIDGE working groups

Report on Stakeholders' Mapping and Identification

This deliverable belonging to Task 91 Development of the Dissemination and Communication strategy aims to report the outcomes of the mapping identification and analysis of the different actors related to the energy sector at local national and European level carried out with the collaboration of all partners in order to identify the main stakeholders that could be interested in the insights and solutions obtained during the project This search will include technology developers and manufacturing research centres RES generators industrial actors and potential endusers The main aim is to establish the most suitable formats and channels to reach and involve each target group in the projects dissemination actions and exploitation strategies

First Report on Communication and Dissemination activities and impacts

This deliverable belonging to Task 91 Development of the Dissemination and Communication strategy aims to report the communication and dissemination activities implemented within the deployment of the communication and dissemination strategy and the related impacts achieved in terms of outreach and engagement


Related to T24 D24 introduces the design of KPIs that are able to evaluate the operation control efficiency and resilience of the solutions Its objective is to achieve a correct method that would help to have precise time scheduling guidelines and roadmaps that will define the key demonstration activities and the required steps to carry out them

TIGON's First leaflet

This deliverable belonging to Task 92 TIGON Visual Identity and channels aims to provide a format describing the overall approach of the project its innovation and the expected impacts for distribution at events

TIGON's First video

This deliverable covers both the project presentation video belonging to Task 92 TIGON Visual Identity and channels and the project final video belonging to Task 93 Dissemination and stakeholders engagement Subtask 933 Public communication This first video aims to introduce the project addressing users and potential adopters

TIGON's Website

This deliverable belonging to Task 92 TIGON Visual Identity and channels aims to be the main access point to key information including objectives partners activities events publications project news dissemination materials and crosslinks to other fellow projects and the BRIDGE initiative Before the official launch of the website a landing page including logo and main contacts will be available online M2


Solid-State Transformers for DC/AC Hybrid Grids: a Case Study of TIGON Project

Autorzy: Jesús Muñoz-Cruzado Alba, David Cervero, Óscar Izquierdo, Eduardo García-Martínez, Rubén González Fernández, José Ignacio Abad, Antonio Rojas
Opublikowane w: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy, Numer VERLAG, Proceedings, 2022
Wydawca: VERLAG
DOI: 10.30420/566091253

State of the Art of Low and Medium Voltage Direct Current (DC) Microgrids

Autorzy: Maria Fotopoulou, Dimitrios Rakopoulos, Dimitrios Trigkas, Fotis Stergiopoulos, Orestis Blanas, Spyros Voutetakis
Opublikowane w: Energies, Numer 14/18, 2021, Strona(/y) 5595, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14185595

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