The Forum Alpinum encompassed not only a scientific description of the actual state of the natural environment but also of our perception and the use of nature, and of natural protection. The participants have outlined perspectives for Alpine research, based on scientific expertise but also in a discussion with end users and stakeholders. So Alpbach became a meeting place for natural, cultural and social scientists with artists, theologians, managers, politicians and everybody who feels committed to the future of the Alps. We also listened to the local people, to school classes, to project leaders, and we offered them a forum for the exchange of ideas, results and concepts. It was, therefore, natural to include some practical aspects, such as water and wine sampling, and excursions, but also a concert, a performance and an art exhibition, all related with the central theme of the FORUMALPINUM 2002.
The concept of the meeting does reflect the trans-disciplinary character of nature: plenary lectures, fora, workshops, poster sessions, theatre of school children, concert, exhibition etc.