The second generation of solar cells is based on thin film semiconductor (Si, GIGS, CdTe) materials and has the potential of comparable efficiencies to mono or multicrystalline silicon but at much lower cost. However, many issues related to material synthesis, defects at interlaces, stability and contacting are still under development and need more investigations. On the other hand, a new generation of cells based on "nano-materials" like organics (molecules, polymers) or semiconductors (Quantum dots and wells) is emerging and it is growing strongly. The objectives of the "Thin Film and NanoStructured Materials for Photovoltaics symposia is to share at the same place the recent developments in both thin films and nostructures fields in terms of material synthesis and properties. In contrast to conferences devoted to photovoltaïcs which emphasis more on efficiency values, these symposia will focus on the growth issues, optical and electrical characteristics of the materials, carriers transport properties, cells manufacturing and finally the limiting factors of related efficiency, Presence of high level scientists in the different fields will allow to give an update of the last development but more importantly to present the perspectives.
The "Thin Film and Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaics symposia, planned for 2003 and 2005 , will be organized within the framework of the European Material Research Society (E-MRS) Spring meetings which bring about 1600 participants each year. The symposia THINC-PV are aimed to provide a forum meeting for scientists engaged in research and development of all thin films as well as on nano-structured based solar cells.
The symposia will consist of invited presentations by leading scientists in their respective fields to highlight the recent developments. Most invited speakers are suggested by the chairpersons and the scientific committee. In addition, there will be contributed presentations both oral and posters resulting from a call for papers. All presented contributions, after being reviewed, will be published in an archived and referenced international journal.
The set up of the programme is multidisciplinary in order to promote the cross-fertilization at different disciplines, technologies and developments.
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Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.
- inżynieria i technologiainżynieria materiałowapowłoki
- nauki przyrodniczenauki fizyczneelektromagnetyzm i elektronikaurządzenie półprzewodnikowe
- inżynieria i technologiananotechnologiananomateriały
- nauki przyrodniczenauki chemicznechemia nieorganicznametaloidy
- inżynieria i technologiainżynieria śodowiskaenergetyka i paliwaenergia odnawialnaenergia słonecznafotowoltaika
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