The overall WINMAN aim is to offer an integrated network management solution, the WINMAN solution, which is capable to provide end-to-end IP connectivity services derived from Service Level Agreements (SLAs). WINMAN will capture the requirements, define and specify an open, distributed, and scalable management architecture for IP connectivity services on hybrid transport networks (ATM, SDH and WDM). The requirements will include and the architecture will support multi-vendor, multi-technology environments and evolution scenarios for end-to-end IP transport from IP / ATM / SDH / WDM towards IP/WDM. WINMAN will consist of optimised architecture and systems for integrated network management of IP connectivity services over hybrid transport networks.
From implementation point of view, the project will address the separate management of IP and WDM networks. Per technology domain the integration of the management at Network Management level will be developed. This is referred to as Vertical Integration. An Inter-Domain Network Management System (INMS) as a sub layer of the Network Management Layer will be implemented to support IP-connectivity spanning different WDM sub networks and to integrate the management of IP and WDM transport networks. This end-to-end management of these transport networks is referred to as Horizontal Integration. The INMS and the IP and WDM Network Management Systems will implement Configuration, Fault and Performance (CFP) Management application functions. Development will be carried out in two phases in the project resulting in release R0 and R1. WINMAN will set up an infrastructure including several sites to demonstrate and validate the system. Results will be disseminated and exploited.
The overall WINMAN aim is to realise and demonstrate an open, flexible and Integrated Management solution offering Configuration, Fault and Performance management for IP over hybrid transport networks and supporting Service Level Agreements for IP connectivity. WINMAN will capture the requirements, define and specify an open, distributed, reliable and scalable management architecture, and implement the Network Management System of IP and WDM and the Inter-Domain Network Management System for IP over hybrid transport networks. The requirements will include and the architecture will support multi-vendor/ -technology/ -operator environments and evolution scenarios for end-to-end IP transport from IP/ATM/SDH/WDM towards IP/WDM. WINMAN will set up an infrastructure including several sites to demonstrate and validate the system with real-life scenarios. Results will be disseminated and exploited.
Along the road from requirements capture down to the demonstration of the project results the following milestones are distinguished: Requirements and high-level overall architecture, the system specifications and designs, implemented an tested systems integrated in the experimentation sites, and the solutions validated in a 'real-world' environment. This sequence applies to both releases. R0 will be available after 17 months, R1 after 31 months. Month 33 will be the end of the project.
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