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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-14

Applied global simulation of renewable energies on internet: removing barriers to re by embedding powerful software into a social context


AVALANCHE uses a completely new approach: a powerful information and educational tool embedded into regional society shall significantly help to enhance the integration of RE into society in a long term perspective.
Research hints at
A) the parallel development and implementation of (i) standards for individual RE-data presentation on Internet under participation of strategic data providers and (ii) a powerful searching tool i.e. an Internet Agent, forming a RE global distributed information system;
B) the development and implementation of visualised online-simulation software providing always up-to-date energy output performance, economic efficiency calculations and environmental impacts for RE-technologies;
C) a feasibility study for applying knowledge based systems to support the design and dimensioning of RE-systems for one strategic example of PV-Wind-Diesel Hybrid system to be used in rural areas;
D) embedding the simulation programmeon RE into the regional society and ecosystem by analysing target groups, operators and multiplicators and then perform strategic project work and case studies in regional society.
Target groups are RE data providers such as manufacturers of RE components (mainly SMEs) and international institutions with data pools on the "supply side", and users such as engineers, architects, building companies, schools and universities on the "demand side". RE addressed in this project include PV, solar thermal energy, wind energy, hydro power and biomass.
Research approach for the software development will be based on a thorough review of existing tools which then will be further developed to match the present and future requirements of the project s target groups. Social studies will be based on literature research and empirical work.
Partners include experts from each RE-technology addressed as well as for economic and environmental research. European countries with diverse climatic, social and legal conditions are represented in the consortium.
Results of AVALANCHE are of strategic importance to the EU as to removing barriers to implementation of REs, supporting SMEs, and strengthen European industries by providing both powerful software tools and introducing them to the target groups.

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków

Data not available

System finansowania

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


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