Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OXIPRO (Transition towards environment-friendly consumer products by co-creation of an oxidoreductase foundry)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-06-01 do 2022-11-30
• Working group termed ‘The Enzyme Cluster’ has been established across four FNR-16 sister projects (OXIPRO - 101000607, FuturEnzyme - 101000327, EnXylaScope -101000831, RadicalZ - 101000560), resulting in several joints event, 3 collaborative newsletters and 2 joint publications
• A plan for exploitation of project’s results has been outlined, and an IPR task force team is set to follow up new IP generated and its protection
• Established the strategy for the computational platform, including formats and workflows to implement modular tools for in silico mining and engineering of enzymes
• New computational tool for bioprospecting based on machine learning and statistical models has been development and biocontainerized, leading to 2 publications of key results
• Algorithms and containerized molecular modeling approaches for extensive enzyme engineering have been used to provide a large list of >150 OXIPRO enzymes that will be explored for process compatible properties
• Two enzyme screening platforms have been established based on microfluidics and cell-free expression and verified functional expression of model oxidoreductases in these
• Exploring the underlying molecular mechanism that determines nicotinamide cofactor specificity in model enzymes using two complementary strategies
• Identification of host expression systems for key OXIPRO enzymes
• Strategies for enzyme-based processes are in place, including setting up of methodologies for characterization of enzymes and products, with the result that proof-of-concept studies are established for most innovation cases using OXIPRO enzymes
• Date collection and literature search for preliminary sustainability evaluation of the OXIPRO case studies have begun
• Communication and dissemination strategy, including launch of media platforms and website, producing an explanatory video and materials for dissemination, and publication of key results in 4 open-access scientific journals