CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Religious Translation, the Catholic Church and Global Media: a study of the products and processes of multilingual dissemination.


Entwicklung religiöser Übersetzungen in der mehrsprachigen globalisierten Kommunikation

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PIETRA führt die erste umfassende Untersuchung durch, die sich unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Formen von Massenmedien mit den Übersetzungspraktiken in der katholischen Kirche sowie der mehrsprachigen Kommunikation religiöser Botschaften beschäftigt. Zu diesem Zweck wird es die Übersetzungsprozesse und -produkte der katholischen Kirche in drei verschiedenen Medien (Print, Web und soziale Medien) und in zwei unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen analysieren. Dies soll unser Verständnis darüber erweitern, inwieweit sich mehrsprachige Verbreitung mit technologischem Wandel und institutioneller Ideologie überschneidet. PIETRA wird ein innovatives methodisches Design entwickeln, das einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Untersuchung religiöser Übersetzungen hervorbringt.


PIETRA is the first, large-scale, multilingual study of the translation products and processes that underpin communication in global religion. The project focuses on translation practices in the institution of the Catholic Church and the multilingual communication of religious messages against a background of technological change. PIETRA studies an institution with a distinct ideology and a history of multilingualism in order to capture how it has used forms of mass media in its communicative goals. It poses key research questions relating to consistency of message in a large multilingual institution across different languages, cultures and communicative formats. PIETRA analyses the translation processes and products of the Catholic Church across three different media (print, web and social media) and in two different time periods to advance understandings of how multilingual dissemination intersects with technological change and institutional ideology. It significantly expands the study of religious translation from core canonical texts to wider media platforms and multimodal forms of communication, addressing fundamental gaps in the study of the linguistic aspect of online religion. PIETRA combines the latest advances in empirical translation research, data capture and analytics, with sociological and ethnographic investigations to form a model for the analysis of the products and processes of large-scale multilingual dissemination. The innovative methodological design offers a completely new approach to the study of religious translation, on a scale that has not been attempted before. PIETRA introduces four key innovations: it places the issue of language at the heart of discussions of religious communication; it questions the presence of religious translation in a globalised communication circuit; it analyses the impact of the material carrier and media form on translation; and it examines translation practices through an institutional prism.

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€ 1 892 541,00
H91 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 892 541,00

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