Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GAMMS (Galileo/GNSS-based Autonomous Mobile Mapping System)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-07-01 do 2022-12-31
• autonomous vehicle (AV),
• navigation/geodetic and
• artificial intelligence (AI)
More specifically, we aim at developing an advanced prototype (TRL 6 to 7) of an autonomous mobile mapping system –a mapping robot– based on an already existing Level of Automation 4 AV for cm-level accurate and certifiable mapping to serve the needs of the growing markets of
1. High Definition (HD) maps for autonomous vehicles (a.k.a. driverless cars),
2. 3D maps for smart cities and augmented reality (AR) applications.
The use of Galileo new services is a fundamental added value to the project. Aside from the other innovative technologies assembled, being the first HD map Galileo enhanced mobility service will be a key achievement for the project.
GAMMS mainly focuses on HD maps for AVs. In the long term, we envision fleets of low-cost, autonomous, electrically-powered, mobile mapping systems (MMS) collecting geodata in a massive, continuous yet inconspicuous way to produce/update the base maps of the mentioned HD maps. In other words, robots making maps for robots. Meanwhile, along with technical and regulatory progress, we envision highly efficient semi-autonomous (1-person crew) MMS, able to map larger areas in less time and improved performance. Our vision is that the future of mapping is robotic mapping, where robotics, cartography and navigation/geodesy meet.
During the Reporting Period 1, we can list the activities concluded successfully as follows:
• The release of 14 deliverables: D1.1 PP-QM, D1.2 CSPR, D1.3 CK, D1.4 WP, D2.1 UR, D2.2 SA, D2.3 MS, D3.1 ADD, D5.1 GU, D8.1 NEC Requirement, D8.2 H Requirement 3, D8.3 H Requirement 4, D8.4 POPD, D8.5 EPQ
• 1 Advisory Board workshop
• 3 presentations (ISPRS 2022, InterGeo 2022, ASECAP COPER3)
• 1 conference paper and 1 journal paper (ISPRS), and EPFL received an award at InterGeo 2022 for the conference paper
• 2 roundtables (ITS EC 2022, NAIA.R 2021)
• Promotion and distribution of leaflets at booth (ITS WC 2021, NAIA.R 2021, BIM World 2022)
GAMMS will be contributing to the application, and thence market adoption, of the AV technology in the EU and European Free Trade Area (EFTA) area. Indeed, car industry is strategic for the EU economy as it accounts for 4% and 9% of EU’s GDP and exports respectively. It employs 8 million people and ranks among the main EU sectors in terms of exports and R&D. And, given its long supply chain, it has a significant multiplier effect on the EU economy.
Note that an AV is a computer with an engine and four wheels. This is probably why German and Detroit car makers have, many times, to partner with Silicon Valley. GAMMS promotes the further development of AI techniques of the EU industry.
The AMMS technology has the following additional impacts: it injects new technologies in the mapping sector; it opens/confronts the mapping industry to new business models; and it contributes to fight climate change and derived health issues. Last, not least, it has an obvious impact on the workforce as the industry moves towards automated driving and to automated map production.