Optimierte Anordnung vieler kleiner Propeller sorgt für verbesserten Antrieb
In den nahezu 80 Jahren, die seit dem Start des ersten Düsenflugzeugs vergangen sind, waren die sie antreibenden Strahltriebwerke stets unter den starren Tragflächen oder am Rumpf angebracht. Neuartige Bauformen neuer Flugzeuge mit zunehmender Elektrifizierung haben Innovationen bei den Antriebssystemen nach sich gezogen. Zu den vielversprechendsten Konzepten gehört der verteilte Antrieb. Dabei werden zahlreiche kleinere elektrische Propeller (Propellerreihen) flexibel entlang des Flugzeugs verteilt, um die aerodynamische Kopplung zwischen Propellern und Tragflächen zu verbessern sowie die Leistungsfähigkeit gegenüber konventionellen Bauformen zu verbessern. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DISPROP wird die Konstruktions- und Analysewerkzeuge verbessern, um die Optimierung neuer verteilter Antriebssysteme mittels eng beieinander angeordneter Propeller zu unterstützen, auf diese Weise die Effizienz zu steigern und das Fliegen umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.
DISPROP aims at improving the current aerodynamic and aeroacoustic analysis and design capabilities for large aircraft operating with distributed propulsion (DP) and propeller arrays. This will be done by generating a high-quality, industry-relevant experimental database using 2D and 2.5D wing sections equipped with propeller arrays. Using this database, the capability of existing CFD and CAA codes will be updated in order to better predict the relevant aerodynamic and aeroacoustic interaction phenomena occurring between the wing and the propellers slipstream. Parametric studies will be conducted to identify most promising configurations.
This 30-months 2,7M valued project will consist of four phases. After a preparatory phase, where relevant geometries will be selected based on their high potential for DP, two to three wing geometries will be highly parametrized in Phase 1 and investigated by both CFD and medium-scale wind tunnel tests (WTT). Then, in Phase 2, the most promising configuration will be wind-tunnel tested in large scale at DNW NWB to generate aerodynamic and aeroacoustic experimental database that will be used to validate CFD and CAA simulations. In a subsequent exploitation phase, the combined numerical and experimental database will be extrapolated to full-scale 3D geometries based on the advanced Power Balance Method.
The analysis and design tools matured and validated within DISPROP will enable the development of new aircraft configurations with DP and closely integrated propellers. Operating with a drastic increase in overall efficiency compared to conventional aircraft, such configurations contribute to the CS2 objective of reduced CO2 emissions.
The DISPROP consortium is composed of internationally recognized experts in CFD and CAA modeling, academic and industrial-scale WTT (the best facility in Europe for aerodynamic and aeroacoustic aircraft validation), as well as aircraft designers experienced in DP.
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10623 Berlin