Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HOPE-4-BEST (The Annotation and Functional Description of Non-Model Bacterial Organisms for Bio-based Engineering and Industry)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-10-01 do 2023-09-30
Exploitation of the results was secured by publishing two novel computational tools that are freely available to any interested user, primarily biotechnologists and synthetic biologists. Results were continuously disseminated mainly by my active participation in various scientific conferences, particularly International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 2022 in Spain, Research in Computational Molecular Biology 2023 in Turkey, International Conference on Chemical Technology 2023 in Czechia, and Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology and the European Conference on Computational Biology 2023 in France; active participation in workshops, for example de.NBI MODSIM workshop “Tools for systems biology modeling and data exchange" in Germany; or during various seminar presentations, mainly at domestic LMU Munich (Germany) but also other universities, for example Masaryk University (Czechia). The most important result were already published in two papers and additional two manuscript are currently undergoing review process in impacted journals.
Project has no dedicated website, original dedicated project website was built on ResearchGate and therefore lost when RG stopped to support projects’ websites in 2023.
Since the project brings novel tools and findings primarily for other scientists, particularly biotechnologists and synthetic biologists, no socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications are expected in the near future. Nevertheless, improved genomic and transcriptomic analysis has a potential for selection and genome improvement of promising bacterial producers of value added chemicals. This future biotechnology advancement would imply lesser dependence on fossil feedstock.