CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Dissecting how breast cancer-associated inflammation shapes invariant natural killer T cell activity during metastatic progression


Umfassende Studie zur spezifischen T-Zell-Aktivität während der metastatischen Brustkrebsprogression

Brustkrebs ist die zweithäufigste Krebsart bei Frauen. Damit metastatischer Brustkrebs besser auf die immuntherapeutische Checkpoint-Blockade anspricht, muss die spezielle Immunlandschaft genauer erforscht werden. Invariante natürliche Killer-T-Zellen (iNKT-Zellen) sind spezialisierte T-Zellen, die Lipidantigene erkennen. Das antitumorale Potenzial von iNKT-Zellen ist bisher jedoch nicht ausreichend untersucht worden, da sie bei Menschen mit Krebs kaum vorhanden sind. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BreaKer geht von der Hypothese aus, dass das geringe Vorhandensein und die mangelhafte Aktivierung von iNKT-Zellen durch die krebsinduzierten immunsuppressiven Mechanismen verursacht werden. Das Ziel des Projekts ist es, eine umfassende Studie zum iNKT-Zell-Immunphänotyp und zu den Aktivierungsmechanismen mit Patientinnen mit metastatischem Brustkrebs sowie mit gesunden Menschen durchzuführen. So sollen neuartige kombinatorische Immuntherapien für metastatischen Brustkrebs entwickelt werden.


Breast cancer is the second cause of cancer-related death in women. Although cancer immunotherapy emerged as a successful therapy for many cancer types, the response of metastatic breast cancer patients to immune checkpoint blockade remains disappointing, urging for a better understanding of the breast cancer immune landscape. iNKT cells are lipid-specific T cells that bridge innate and adaptive immunity and exert a plethora of immune functions depending on tissue distribution. Despite their known antitumor potential, they have been largely overlooked in the cancer field for their content paucity in cancer patients. I hypothesize that their scarce abundance and poor activation status is caused by cancer-induced immunosuppressive mechanisms. Indeed, I observed that circulating and metastasis-infiltrating iNKT cells are functionally impaired in the K14cre;Cdh1F/F;Trp53F/F(KEP)-based mouse model of de novo breast cancer metastases. With a translational approach, I will provide an unprecedented comprehensive dataset comparing iNKT cell immunophenotype in metastatic breast cancer patients and healthy controls. Next, I will generate human iNKT cell lines to perform in vitro mechanistic studies aimed at assessing how cancer-associated inflammation can modulate iNKT cell antitumor activity. Moreover, the innovative use of iNKT cell deficient Jα18-/- mice coupled to the KEP-based model of breast cancer metastases, will offer a clear picture of the role of iNKT cells and their cancer-associated cellular networks during the metastatic cascade. Finally, I will in vivo deplete immunosuppressive cells to unleash iNKT cell antitumor activity. My solid knowledge of iNKT cell biology combined with the expertise in breast cancer-associated inflammation of the hosting lab and the cutting-edge clinical research of the institute will uniquely generate fundamental knowledge with high applicative potential for the design of novel combinatorial immunotherapies for metastatic breast cancer.


€ 175 572,48
1066 CX Amsterdam

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West-Nederland Noord-Holland Groot-Amsterdam
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€ 175 572,48