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SCIENCzEch 2021: Time for Change

Opis projektu

Spotkania naukowców i młodzieży w Czechach

Czas na zmiany. Taki właśnie jest temat przewodni tegorocznej edycji Europejskiej Nocy Naukowców w Czechach. Nawiązuje on do trwającej pandemii, która ujawniła słabości naszego globalnego społeczeństwa. Mamy także coraz mniej czasu na rozwiązanie problemów związanych ze zmianą klimatu. Nadeszła pora, by zmienić obecny stan rzeczy, a nauka może w tym pomóc. W tym kontekście zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu SCIENCzEch 2021 zorganizuje wydarzenia pozwalające społeczeństwu na poznanie naukowców i zrozumienie ich motywacji. Działania te mają na celu zachęcić młodych obywateli do wyboru kariery naukowej.


"SCIENCzEch 2021: Time for Change is a proposal of The European Researchers? Night in the Czech Republic in 2021.
The common main objective of the European Researchers' Night is to give public and local communities the opportunity to meet with researchers, learn about their passion for science, the motivation that inspires them, the methods they use, and the results they achieve. It opens doors to the places where scientists work and also brings research to unusual places. At this event children, young people and adults can get insights into research work, careers and what kind of cutting-edge technology is used in modern research.
The specific objective of the event is to show research careers as interesting, enriching and useful job that might entail a career path for everyone and to motivate and inspire the youth to enjoy, understand and pursue science and technology.
One of the political priorities of the European Commission is the European Green Deal for the European Union and its citizens, with an aim to tackle climate and environmental-related challenges. This strategy and series of initiatives that will protect the environment, boost the green economy and improve the well-being of people under the European Green Deal for the European Union and its citizens will be promoted by a wide range of activities during the ERN 2021. .
""The TIME"" with subtitle ?TIME for Change? is going to be the main topic for the Researchers' Night in 2021. The topic refers to the to time in many ways. We are in a time of change, the situation with COVID-19 has shown us how vulnerable a global society is. At the same time, we are facing problems linked to climate change and environmental crises. We question how much time is left for our planet and how to deal with this time responsibly. We perceive that right now is the time for change and science is an important ally and condition for sustainable development."


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