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Delivering Renewal and Innovation to mass Vehicle Electrification enabled by V2X technologies


V2X visions for European smart cities: 2035 and 2050

Documents the outcomes of the co-design activities led by ICO within consortium partners, demo site stakeholders, and other relevant stakeholders. Consolidates joint foundational cross-sectoral visions for mass deployment of V2X in smart cities by 2035 and 2050.

Quality Assessment and Risk Management Plan

Establishes the quality assurance methodology and practices adopted in DriVe2X. Provides an account of the implementation risks linked to the planned activities and corresponding mitigation measures.

Detailed characterization of DriVe2X use cases

Consolidates the DriVe2X use cases. The use case mapping and their detailed technical descriptions makes use of a dedicated framework for electric mobility.

Framework for analysing the human dimension of V2X upscaling

Sets the foundations for analyzing the human dimension of V2X deployment and upscaling. Provides initial best practice guidance on user behaviour and engagement within a common coherent framework structure.

DriVe2X technical architecture and its functionalities

Establishes the conceptual and architectural design of the DriVe2X marketplace, including clarifying its functionalities. Elaborates on the stakeholder ecosystem of the project, by specifying all the relevant actor interactions planned in the concept, both internally and externally.

Local V2X flexibility products and services

Provides an identification and comprehensive characterization of innovative V2X flexibility products and services. Operates as a foundational document to the DriVe2X market design.

System Characterization and Definition of Output Parameters

Reports on the parametrization and performance monitoring analyses at demo site level. Documents scenarios for expected use case evolution and determines predicted outputs.

Data processing and integration from other WPs

Reports on the process of data acquisition and processing from the relevant work packages concerning the mass deployment of V2X strategies. This includes capturing varied input parameters related to the technical, economic and social aspects of V2X schemes, as well as translating long-term scenarios for mass EV deployment into the reference city level.

Gap analysis on V2X grid services

Documents requirements, market needs, and priorities of relevant stakeholders related to V2X services. It further analyses it in context of current applicable policies and regulatory frameworks, or lack of it, in order to produce a detailed gap analysis for V2X services.

Project Management Plan (PMP)

Detailed plan providing a shared basis for the partners collaboration thus setting the stage for the efficient implementation of DriVe2X Contains a collection of instructions and decisions regarding processes practices and policies that will be followed during the project implementation for decisionmaking work planning communication document management deliverables quality management and reporting purposes

Ethics and Privacy Management Plan

Document detailing compliance procedures related to ethical and privacy aspects of data creation utilization and processing in the project Among other issues it addresses the monitoring of sensitive data use the definition of a data handling strategy and the compatibility with relevant standards and norms in full alignment with DriVe2Xs DMP

V2X technical and techno-economical gaps

Identifies key technical and techno-economical barriers to the mass deployment of V2X. Compiles best practices and recommendations to support the development of V2X solutions.

Survey and review of worldwide V2X projects and scientific literature

Identifies and characterizes research and market gaps on various domains of V2X. Reviews relevant V2X projects around the world, attempting to document reported outcomes, relevant trends, or shortcomings found as a result of such initiatives.

Data Management Plan - DMP (v2)

This plan (v2) covers aspects such as standards used, exploitation, access, curation and preservation of data, as well as IPR management aspects. The DMP will be revised at the end of each reporting period.

Data Management Plan - DMP (v1)

This plan (v1) covers aspects such as standards used, exploitation, access, curation and preservation of data, as well as IPR management aspects. The DMP will be revised at the end of each reporting period.

Accurate EV charging profiles for simulation studies

Includes accurate charging models of commercial EVs that have been measured in laboratory environment. For maximum accuracy, the charging curves are analyzed at all possible current set points.

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