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Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift

Descripción del proyecto

Aceleración del cambio dietético

La huella de nuestro sistema alimentario puede reducirse a medida que los consumidores recurren a proteínas alimentarias alternativas y abandonan las proteínas de origen animal, algo que los expertos denominan el cambio dietético. Esto conduciría, entre otras cosas, a una menor emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y a una disminución del uso de energía, agua y suelo. El equipo del proyecto GIANT LEAPS, financiado con fondos europeos, proporcionará innovaciones estratégicas, metodologías y conjuntos de datos de acceso abierto para acelerar este cambio dietético, que está en consonancia con la Estrategia «De la Granja a la Mesa» y contribuye al Pacto Verde Europeo, cuyo objetivo es mejorar el bienestar y la salud de los ciudadanos,. El trabajo ayudará en la formulación de políticas hacia el cambio dietético, a los agentes de la cadena de valor en su toma de decisiones y al público cuando elija opciones dietéticas más saludables y sostenibles.


Accelerating the transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins – the dietary shift – is key to reducing the footprint of our food system in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy, water and land use, and other relevant environmental impacts, and for improving the health and well-being of people, animals and the planet. GIANT LEAPS delivers the strategic innovations, methodologies, and open-access datasets to speed up this dietary shift, in line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy and contributing to the Green Deal target of reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
Achieving the dietary shift in practice is inherently complex due to the diverse set of actors involved and further hindered by major knowledge gaps, scattered across the various alternative protein sources and the domains of health (safety, allergenicity and digestibility), environment (GHGs and other environmental and climate impacts, biodiversity, circularity), and/or barriers to adoption (technological, sensory, and consumer acceptance). The GIANT LEAPS consortium consists of the key actors and spans all expertise to address relevant knowledge gaps and proactively engages to arrive at optimized future diets based on alternative proteins that are broadly accepted across stakeholder groups. In order to deliver required insights for short-, mid- and long-term decision making and impact, GIANT LEAPS protein sources have been selected for either targeted or full assessment based on their current level of specification. The innovations and improved methods combined with accessible and comprehensive information, generated for a wide collection of alternative proteins, will enable policymakers to prioritise changes in the food system towards the dietary shift based on desired impact, value chain actors to make strategic scientific, business and investment choices, and the general public to make more sustainable and healthy dietary choices.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 724 397,50
6708 PB Wageningen
Países Bajos

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Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 724 397,50

Participantes (29)

Socios (5)