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Organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LIVESEEDING (Organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-10-01 do 2024-03-31

LiveSeeding contributes to the upscaling of organic production in Europe through (i) improving availability of organic plant reproductive material of organic cultivars (Organic Heterogeneous Material, Organic Varieties, landraces) of a large range of crops, bred for improved diversity and adaptation to local conditions, and (ii) strengthening and diversifying the organic seed sector informed by market demands. LiveSeeding contributes to the transition towards environmentally-friendly, climate-neutral, healthy and fair food systems through further developing (i) cultivars suited for organic and low external input production, (ii) novel governance models linking breeders with value chain actors and citizens with local food production, and (iii) awareness around the importance of biodiversity for our food and health. LiveSeeding focuses on the main drivers for (i) the supply and demand of organic seed and cultivars, (ii) the supply and demand of food products derived from them, and (iii) enabling frameworks and roadmaps through active policy dialogue with national and European authorities and policymakers by providing science-based evidence and best practice solutions to achieve 100% organic seed. LiveSeeding addresses the topics in a holistic multi-actor, multi-stakeholder participatory approach involving organic and public research institutes (with proven competencies in breeding, seed multiplication and health, socio-economics, extension and outreach), variety examination offices, private breeders and seed companies, organic production and civil society associations. Additional stakeholders along the value chain are involved in the local Living Labs (LLs) and the established networks of organic breeders (ECO-PB), seed savers (ECLLD) and Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). 16 European countries cover the different pedoclimatic zones and socio-economic contexts, including countries with a low level of development in organic seed and breeding in East and South Europe.
To increase the impact in transforming the organic breeding and seed sector LiveSeeding build on results of previous project (e.g. LIVESEED, ECOBREED, BRESOV, ReMIX) and applies multi-actor approaches in 17 local Living Labs. LiveSeeding is contributing to increase cultivated diversity with on-farm screening of genetic resources (> 20 crops, 8 countries). breeding and selection activities, for the development of Organic Heterogenous Material (OHM) and Organic Varieties (OV) is ongoing for 15 crops in 11 countries. OHM developers can now profit from the newest release of SHiNeMaS (digital tool for managing seed lot history) and the alpha version of OHMTrack (digital tool to support OHM notification and traceability). Genomic tools have been applied to 3 crops to implement Marker Assisted or Genomic Selection. Trait combinations important for cultivar adaptation to organic conditions including agroforesty are being investigated. LiveSeeding is monitoring the market uptake for OHM and the implementation of the EU Organic regulation provisions on OV registration. Inventories of candidate OV, OHM and notified OHM were compiled. LiveSeeding is advancing frugal pre- and post-registration on-farm cultivar testing dedicated to organic farming for 18 case studies. SeedLinked app for such participatory trials is available in 16 European countries in 8 languages and presently in testing phase by 13 organizations. LiveSeeding develops solutions for improved seed quality and vigour. The interaction among seed microbiome, seedling vigor and plant health is investigated in wheat and soybean. Promising physical treatments and products derived from plant extracts and living microorganisms against specific pathogens have been identified and tested for on-farm or small scale seed production and will be tested at industrial-scale by interested seed companies. The router database (digital tool that allows seed suppliers to offer organic seeds simultaneously in different countries) has been promoted. LiveSeeding is fostering a close collaboration and exchange between policy makers, national authorities, farmers’ organisations and stakeholders of the organic seed and breeding sector to increase the transparency of organic seed market. National authorities of 11 Member State committed to engage in capacity building towards 100% organic seed. LiveSeeding actively promotes the inclusion of cultivated biodiversity in local food policies (4 focus cities) and at international level. To achieve scaling out and scaling up of organic seed and breeding initiatives, LiveSeeding is addressing agronomic, legal, economic, and societal challenges. The “EU Organic Plant Breeding Task Force” was initiated for testing alternative financing and governance models. The "Organic Seed and Breeding Entrepreneurship Training Centre" was launched with a webinar to support SME during initiation or extension of organic seed and breeding business. A series of >25 training modules covering all aspects project has been planned and 50 education and training events have already been conducted. On-farm demonstrations (29) are indispensable tools to implement action-research approaches
LiveSeeding primary ambition is to reach a quantum leap in the development of a strong and economically viable organic breeding and seed sector in Europe by following a supply-demand based PUSH-PULL-ENABLE strategy. As an Innovation Action LiveSeeding is adapting and applying science outcomes and practitioners’ experiences in the context of real networks ecosystems, with strong focus on market uptake and market replication. The development of KASP markers for novel crop-trait combination and breeding for agroforestry systems are very innovative. Analysis of the impact of organic vs. concentionally produced seed on the seed microbiome and seed vigour uses cutting edge technology. Evaluation environmental and social benefit of OHM and OV and embeding improved agrobiodiversity with city food policies opens new opportunities to accelerate the organic seed and breeding sector.
LiveSeeding - PUSH PULL and ENABLE strategy