Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LAMASUS (LAnd use and MAnagement modelling for SUStainable governance)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-09-01 do 2024-02-29
The LAMASUS project provides tools to build sound policies for the transition required by the EU Green Deal and supports their implementation through a novel governance model. LAMASUS builds evidence through frequently updated high-resolution databases of land-management, and related policies. We focus on the role of agricultural and forest policies in changing land-use along with the economic and environmental impacts of these policies. The project is building a modelling toolbox to help develop, assess, and monitor land-related policies across geographical scales. A user-friendly, web-based interface to the toolbox will support dialogue among land-users, policymakers, and other stakeholders and so guide the formulation and implementation of the Green Deal policies.
A policy review was completed, which provides an overview of existing land-use and land-management policies. An accompanying policy tracker database with policies from 1992 to 2022 in the EU and a research paper were submitted for publication, considering stakeholder feedback.
Our Stakeholder Board of farmers, land-users, and NGOs provided input on proposed land-use and land-management categorization during our 1st workshop. Stakeholders also provided their views on land-use decision making across regions and countries ( Our Policy Advisory Board of EU-level policy makers provides biannual feedback (
Other completed work includes empirical studies that enhance the understanding of land-management dynamics across Europe at the regional level, including an assessment of EU subsidies on land-use and influences of weather on French pesticide use. At the farm-level, a study estimating the main drivers of transition to organic farming for German farms was finished.
A key outcome of LAMASUS is to simulate the impacts of the land use policies up to 2070. To this end, partners have created a detailed simulation protocol, which outlines modelling efforts on carbon, biodiversity, and economic impacts across land-use and-management classes and modelling teams. A concept of the LAMASUS modelling toolbox was produced, which integrates policy models from the agriculture or forestry sector, as well as the broader economy. Moreover, essential components of the LAMASUS portal’s design and architecture were developed. This portal will host and visualize the open-access databases, thus making it easily accessible to the wider public.
In collaboration with our sister project BrightSpace, a novel EU baseline scenario is being developed. During a series of workshops with project partners and specialists from the OECD, World Bank, and JRC, gaps in baseline reporting across the EU were identified. Early baseline scenarios to enhance model alignment and support policy debates are in development. To this effort, key drivers of these scenarios were discussed during the 2nd stakeholder workshop.
All public deliverables are available at
A detailed EU-wide policy database of agricultural and forestry-related payments, and quantitative proxies such as forest rents and regulations, capture the influence of various EU policies over the past two decades. This database with detailed information at grid and regional levels enhances policy impact assessments across the EU.
The developed simulation protocol accounts for changes in land-management practices beyond traditional land cover-based assessments. We take into account the impact of land-management on soil organic carbon, biodiversity and economic viability of the agricultural sector. The protocol specifically focuses on the key land-management classes of organic farming, wetland restoration, grassland management, and climate-smart forestry.
The project engaged extensively with local, national, and EU-level stakeholders, who informed our land-use classifications, and formulation of baselines for EU agricultural and forestry policies. A beta version of the LAMASUS portal was used to facilitate stakeholder interactions via the Geo-Wiki platform.