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Biointelligent Production Sensor to Measure Viral Activity


Bioware I

Bioware for immunoassays available and characterized

Analytical methods

Analytical methods and data points for conventional HSV1 and rAAV quantification methods defined, implemented and tested

Liquid handling

Liquid handling components selected


Bioprinting and high-resolution 3D printing for biosensors –preliminary study

Bioware II

Bioware for nucleic acid quantification available and tested

Report on ethical issues

Core principles of GAMP5 during development and production essential for later product launch are identified and specified


The legal framework (BSL2) for handling and production of the selected HSV1 and rAAV virus strains is established at FHG

Documented Critical design review
Design for sustainability

Concept of “design for sustainability of bio-intelligent products”

Gender equality

Report on implementation of gender equality strategy

Periodic reports
Plan for dissemination and exploitation

Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities and updates

Project Quality Handbook
IP landscape

Report on IP landscape

Agenda and protocols of project meetings

Website designed and established

Internal project communication

Trainings for internal project communication


A computational model of cell viability and proliferation of extrusion-based 3D-bioprinted constructs during tissue maturation process

Autorzy: Patrizia Gironi, Ludovico Petraro, Silvia Santoni, Luca Dedé, Bianca Maria Colosimo
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Bioprinting, 2023, ISSN 2424-8002
Wydawca: Whioce
DOI: 10.18063/ijb.741

In-situ Printability Maps (IPM): A new approach for in-situ printability assessment with application to extrusion-based bioprinting

Autorzy: Giovanni Zanderigo, Filippo Bracco, Quirico Semeraro, Bianca Maria Colosimo
Opublikowane w: Bioprinting, 2023, ISSN 2405-8866
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.bprint.2023.e00320

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