CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preveNting the spread of fraudulent practices.


Lebensmittelbetrug durch digitale und auf Informationsanalyse basierende Technologien vorbeugen

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt WATSON wird eine Reihe von Instrumenten und Systemen entwickeln, die betrügerische Praktiken in der gesamten Lebensmittelversorgungskette aufdecken und verhindern können. Es wird die Transparenz durch verbesserte Rückverfolgungsmechanismen erhöhen, die genaue, zeitrelevante und unverfälschte Informationen über das Lebensmittel auf seinem gesamten Weg enthalten. Das Projekt wird außerdem das Bewusstsein der Verbraucherschaft für die Sicherheit und den Wert von Lebensmitteln schärfen, woraus eine gesündere Lebensweise und die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lebensmittelökosysteme entstehen werden. Darüber hinaus werden die Lösungen in sechs verschiedenen Anwendungsfällen in einer Reihe von wichtigen Lebensmittelversorgungsketten demonstriert, die wichtige Warengruppen im europäischen Lebensmittelsystem abdecken (z. B. Wein, Olivenöl, Honig, Fleisch, Fisch, Getreide und Milchprodukte).


WATSON provides a methodological framework combined with a set of tools and systems that can detect and prevent fraudulent activities throughout the whole food chain thus accelerating the deployment of transparency solutions in the EU food systems. The proposed framework will improve sustainability of food chains by increasing food safety and reducing food fraud through systemic innovations that a) increase transparency in food supply chains through improved track-and-trace mechanisms containing accurate, time-relevant and untampered information for the food product throughout its whole journey, b) equip authorities and policy makers with data, knowledge and insights in order to have the complete situational awareness of the food chain and c) raise the consumer awareness on food safety and value, leading to the adoption of healthier lifestyles and the development of sustainable food ecosystems. WATSON implements an intelligence-based risk calculation approach to address the phenomenon of food fraud in a holistic way. The project includes three distinct pillars, namely, a) the identification of data gaps in the food chain, b) the provision of methods, processes and tools to detect and counter food fraud and c) the effective cross border collaboration of public authorities through accurate and trustworthy information sharing. WATSON will rely upon emerging technologies (AI, IoT, DLT, etc.) enabling transparency within supply chains through the development of a rigorous, traceability regime, and novel tools for rapid, non-invasive, on-the-spot analysis of food products. The results will be demonstrated in 6 use cases: a) prevention of counterfeit alcoholic beverages, b) preservation of the authenticity of PGI honey, c) on-site authenticity check and traceability of olive oil, d) the identification of possible manipulations at all stages of the meat chain, e) the improved traceability of high-value products in cereal and dairy chain, f) combat of salmon counterfeiting.



€ 700 000,00
4 Dublin

Auf der Karte ansehen

Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 700 000,00

Beteiligte (40)

Partner (4)