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Impact and viability of a novel mass PCR testing method as a pandemic-fighting strategy

Opis projektu

Metoda masowego badania przesiewowego na wypadek pandemii

Pokłosiem pandemii SARS-CoV-2 było podkreślenie potrzeby zwiększenia gotowości na wypadek pojawienia się w przyszłości ognisk patogenów. Aby ograniczyć przenoszenie patogenów, należy jak najszybciej wdrożyć strategię szeroko zakrojonych badań, do czasu gdy dostępne staną się terapie i szczepionki. Finansowany ze środków UE projekt PCR 4 ALL popiera wykorzystanie łańcuchowej reakcji polimerazy (ang. polymerase chain reaction, PCR) jako idealnej metody pierwszej linii i ma na celu zwiększenie jej wydajności przy jednoczesnym obniżeniu kosztów. Test diagnostyczny PCR wykorzystuje genom patogenu i można łatwo go zaprojektować. Konsorcjum proponuje wykazanie technicznej możliwości przeprowadzania 100 000 testów dziennie oraz przydatności tej strategii w walce z pandemiami.


The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected our health, but also our lifestyles and our economies. Given its high non-symptomatic transmissibility, to stop a pandemic-causing pathogen like SARS-CoV-2 early on its tracks without needing to resort to economy-damaging measures, would have required a mass testing strategy very early on: according to some estimates up to 10% of a nation’s population should have been tested on a daily basis to achieve this. Given the exponential growth tendency of pandemic-causing respiratory viruses, as soon as such pathogen is identified a large-scale testing campaign should immediate be deployed (a strategy adopted successfully in very densely populated areas of China). And given the long periods required to develop other pandemic-fighting strategies (i.e. such as vaccines and quick diagnostic tests), PCR-based mass testing could be the ideal front line of defense, since it can be developed in only a few weeks after decoding the genetic map of the pathogen. But although PCR testing capacity has greatly been increased worldwide, regularly testing large fractions of the population would still remain prohibitively costly with current technology.
The PCR-4-ALL consortium (combining expertise in diagnostics, high-throughput-screening, virology, disease modelling, econometrics and digital health platforms) will aim to demonstrate the technical feasibility of carrying out population-wide PCR testing by demonstrating a capacity of >10^5 tests in a single day and platform, in an extremely cost-effective manner (at least 2 orders of magnitude cheaper than currently). We will, furthermore, evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing this strategy as the main pandemic-fighting measure by assessing its ability to minimize, or even prevent, the need to implement other costly and partially ineffective measures (i.e. lockdowns and vaccination campaigns).

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€ 1 569 375,00
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