Final Report Summary - LIVING POETS (Living Poets: A New Approach to Ancient Poetry)
The main outcomes are:
1. The project online database collects materials on some 20 ancient poets, together with guides to those materials, and short essays on more general issues of methodology and interpretation. As anticipated in the original application, several external scholars have expressed an interest in contributing to our online collection of guides and sources: materials submitted by two external collaborators have already been published, others are in preparation or under proposal. It seems clear, therefore, that the database will continue to grow after the end of the funded project.
2. Four monographs, two edited volumes, and several journal articles and chapters in books offer in-depth analysis of the three main components that shape representations of the ancient poets: (a) presentations of the poets within their oeuvres, (b) the conventions of biography, portraiture, and other relevant genres, (c) projections of the self when fashioning the ancient poets. Such analysis requires new methodologies, and is by nature interdisciplinary, so it is not surprising that authorities in different disciplines (Classics, History, History of Art, Modern Languages, and Cultural Geography) have contributed to the project by offering chapters, papers, and more informal advice. Publications tackle specific corpora and questions but, taken together, make the overall case for the role of the author in the reception of ancient literature.
3. The Ancient Greek OCR offers open-source Optical Character Recognition for Ancient Greek based on Tesseract. We developed it in order to create our online collection of sources, but it is now widely used by others throughout Europe and the world, including the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana the Topoi project in Berlin and the Perseus Digital Library A Proof-of-Concept grant adapts our technology in order to digitise early printed books in Latin.
4. A project exhibition, On Seeing the Author: Portraits in Libraries (Durham, February-April 2015) focused on Bishop Cosin’s Library on Palace Green, Durham, one of the first in Great Britain to be decorated with portraits of authors. The exhibition explored how ancient and early modern libraries cast the act of reading as a transhistorical encounter.
5. A collaboration with theatre company Changeling Productions led to the delivery of theatre workshops in schools and community centres in County Durham inspired by Living Poets research. The workshops were designed to test the hypothesis that imagining the author is an effective means of establishing a personal relationship with the text.