Final Report Summary - CHEMBIOSPHING (Chemical biology of sphingolipids: fundamental studies and clinical applications)
While the focus of the ChemBioSphing program has been on the glycosidases underlying Gaucher and Fabry disease, the program has in fact yielded a general probe design by means of which retaining exoglycosidases in general can be targeted. Published probes include those targeting alpha-fucosidases, beta-galactosidases, beta-glucuronidases and alpha-glucosidases, and unpublished probes that work equally well have been developed that modify alpha-mannosidases, beta-mannosidases and alpha-iduronidases. Each of these glycosidases are of fundamental and applied biological and biomedical relevance in their own right: they are genetically deficient in human lysosomal storage disorders and/or are relevant clinical targets for diseases ranging from diabetes to cancer. Thus the major conceptual breakthrough of the ChemBioSphing program has been the development of activity-based glycosidase probes.