Final Report Summary - TEDDY (Task-force in Europe for drug development for the young)
The proposed network involved different stakeholders active in both drug development sector and paediatric clinical practice. European academics, researchers, healthcare specialists and ethics experts will work together with pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies and patients associations to attain common objectives.
TEDDY dedicated the first three years mainly to the building of the network (both internal and external relationships). The fourth year has been focused to disseminate the results and to strengthen the external collaborations (training initiatives, research proposals drafting and submitting, participation to external initiatives to increase the dissemination).
The contact list developed as part of the project, created to support interaction with stakeholders (invitation to meetings, invitations to surveys, joint participation in calls for proposals, newsletters sending, etc.) has 1 168 registered contacts. The contact list is an essential tool that allows us to plan, execute and verify each action that requires collaboration. 101 out of 1 052 asked to be registered through the website.
The project also organised the open meeting 'Innovating paediatric research in Europe' that was held in Madrid (29 - 30 January 2009) to promote a deep and wide analysis of the paediatric research situation in Europe, from different points of view: authorities, industry, scientific societies, health institutions and researchers, all of them inside the framework of TEDDY Network of Excellence (NoE). Moreover, TEDDY took part in several meetings organised by external entities and, among the others, it was invited to participate at the 'First EMEA workshop on European paediatric networks' (London, 16 February 2009) and at the workshop organised by the United States National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to collect a set of expectations and specifications for the establishment of a national paediatric drug and device development platform for the Clinical and translational science awards (CTSA), a National Institutes of Health (NIH) programme to build clinical and translational infrastructure.