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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Renewable Mobility Services in Smart Cities

Opis projektu

Integrated personal mobility for smart cities

MOVESMART aims at providing time-dependent route planning and renewable personal mobility services using a set of crowd-sourcing tools for collecting real-time information by multimodal travellers. The core of MOVESMART is a hierarchical urban-traffic infrastructure that is hosted and maintained by a cloud architecture. MOVESMART envisions the server-based creation and maintenance of time-dependent urban-traffic metadata as well as live-traffic logging, hosted in an urban traffic knowledge base (UTKB). The contents of UTKB are maintained and handled so as to allow rapid route planning for energy efficient and personalaised mobility services in real time. The traffic reports are securely and anonymously gathered directly by the travellers via simple portable navigation device and/or smartphone application interfaces. After assessing their importance, all the necessary traffic-metadata updates and/or responses to emergent disruprions are applied to the contents of the UTKB and are broadcast to the relevant travellers. The traffic-reporting is conducted via a crowd-sourcing service, which allows the live (in-route / emergency) reports as well as post-route assessments of travellers for the recommended route plans. A crucial advantage of the MOVESMART infrastructure is the design and implementation of novel time-dependent renewable mobility services that will incorporate eco-friendly modes of transport, most notably that of electric vehicles. A set of innovative cloud-based mobility services will be delivered, such as Renewable Mobility on Demand, Vehicle Sharing and Integrated Personal Mobility, on which new business models will be deployed involving service providers, electric car manufacturers and public authorities. The project plans to validate the proposed solutions in two different cities with diverse characteristics in order to ensure that the MOVESMART crowd-sourcing personal mobility paradigm can be applicable to a large extent, after the end of the project.

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Wkład UE
€ 435 249,00
57001 Thermi Thessaloniki

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Rodzaj działalności
Research Organisations
Kontakt administracyjny
Evangelia Perperi (Ms.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych

Uczestnicy (12)