Opis projektu
Co-operative mobility
FOT-Net Data is a Support Action for international co-operation that targets efficient sharing and re-use of global data sets. It continues European and international networking activities in the domain of Field Operational Tests (FOT).
During the lifetime of the different FOTs carried out both at national and European levels, there is a crucial need for a networking platform allowing individual FOTs to benefit from each other's experiences as well as giving a better overview of the scattered activities.
While FOT-Net 1&2 were focusing on setting up the FOT network and maintaining the FOT methodology, FOT-Net Data explicitly addresses the need to exploit the collected data. The prime goal of FOT-Net Data is to maintain and increase the momentum achieved in FOT-Net and develop the strategy for sharing and exploiting collected FOT data in National, European and international FOTs (e.g. US and Japan). FOT-Net Data develops and promotes a framework for sharing data. It takes into account the pre-requisites necessary in the FOTs, such as legal agreements, to enable future re-use of collected data. More importantly, it addresses the actual data sharing and the procedures, templates and services needed for successful research on data gathered in earlier projects. It builds a detailed catalogue of available data, enabling organizations to easily assess the value of different data sets for their research purposes.
FOT-Net Data will act as a multiplier for the dissemination and awareness of FOT activities especially in terms of inter-activities support and outreach. During 36 months, the FOT Network will meet in 4 FOT data sharing workshops, 5 webinars, one FESTA revision workshop, 3 European concertation meetings and 3 international FOT meetings. The action includes stakeholder and expert groups playing a key data management role in previous and ongoing FOTs.
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System finansowania
CSA - Coordination and support actionKoordynator
02150 Espoo