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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Transnational Histories of Children’s Media in a ‘Glocalised’ World


The collective research objective of my proposal is to explore, from a historical perspective, the dynamics involved when media products intended for a global market appear in a specific local setting, including the potential conflicts this creates. This exploration will have a particular focus on differences between globally intended production and local reception views of media’s role in children’s national enculturation. This objective will be pursued by carrying out the following research activities: 1) An individual research project focused on the appropriation and demarcation of the American children’s television programme Sesame Street in 1970s Europe. This project is the key focus of the proposal, as it will be my main research activity during my period as assistant professor. The project compares the transfer of Sesame Street from the US to Denmark/Scandinavia, Britain, West Germany and Italy. It investigates the reasons why the reception of the programme was so varied in the different countries in light of the national broadcasters’ view of TV’s role in children’s enculturation. 2) Starting the research group, Glocal Children's Media, in partnership with senior colleagues from my new Department. 3) Participation in the international research network Platform for a Cultural History of Children's Media (PLACIM).With a firm basis in my individual project, my research activities will advance knowledge in the fields of children’s media by: (1) Advancing the understanding of how local-global dynamics in production and appropriation of children’s media play out in relation to notions of childhood and national culture from a historical perspective. (2) Refining theoretical notions of comparative history and transfer history, particularly moments of cultural ‘demarcation’ and ‘glocalisation’. (3) Contribute insights into American and inter-European notions of the role of television in children’s enculturation.

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Wkład UE
€ 75 000,00
1165 Kobenhavn

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Danmark Hovedstaden Byen København
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kontakt administracyjny
Christa Lykke Christensen (Dr.)
Koszt całkowity
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